
I looked at a slide show named, “The future of e-learning is social learning”, by Jane Hart. Ms. Hart is a Social Media and Learning Consultant. It discusses how we can use so many different social media’s in the classroom or outside of the classroom informally or formally.  It starts by saying how lecture was the traditional way to teach. She then states e-learning automates that style. All students can still learn, they just learn in a different place at a different time and at their own pace. This slide show encourages personal informal education. That means the student is able to research and discover new information on their own! Through that, they can make connections and communicatewith other people that are interested in the same things as they are. It suggests using media’s such as Skype, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Ning. However, one concern is privacy because once something is sent over the Internet it is there for everyone to see. It is great for people to learn from each other and collaborate, but it is definitely important to be mindful of the things you are doing over the Internet.

3 thoughts on “Slideshare

  1. Rose Kuceyeski Said:

    on October 16, 2010 at 9:21 pm   Reply

    Your comment “but it is definitely important to be mindful of the things you are doing over the Internet” is important, and the next chapter really addresses online security.

  2. mdietz Said:

    on October 18, 2010 at 5:20 am   Reply

    I think it is very interesting to consider the future of education is Skype and Facebook. While it is practical now and I see its uses in the future, classroom learning taking place on Facebook might take some getting used to.

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