Chapter one comment/question

I found the section about the tipping point(p21) rather interesting. It discusses an author, Malcom Gladwell, and how he thinks of change as an “epidemic in which ideas and products and messages and behaviors spread just like viruses do. The tipping point is also the moment within an epidemic when everything can change.”

It then goes into what will be the tipping point in schools to force people to change and have new ideas. Sometimes people get caught up in just letting things go and watching to see what happens. There are three factors that will make change occur which include; exceptional people who drive change by their own habits, stickiness or memorable qualities of the idea that move others to act, and the power of context, which include the skillful use of groups and the power of communities. Educators have the power to create change.

Students may know more about certain technologies because they grow up using them, but as a teacher we can provide resources to better utilize those technologies. It is our job to teach students, but teachers are also life long learners and it is benefical to draw from students knowledge. For example, I do not know much about blogs such as this. I could propose a project to my students to demonstrate how to use a blog as an assignment.

What would happen if teachers made a point to learn something new from their students every year? What would an assignment book look like if it was strictly done over Twitter? How could a Wordle inspire students to learn?

15 thoughts on “Chapter one comment/question

  1. Rose Kuceyeski Said:

    on August 30, 2010 at 9:23 pm   Reply

    I’ve read Gladwell’s books, and the Tipping Point was the best. Great idea about learning from your students too. A Wordle could inspire students to be creative–perhaps. True, educators do have the power to affect change.

  2. ashtonc Said:

    on September 6, 2010 at 9:28 pm   Reply

    Well typed reflection for your chapter 1 blog! I think you established many great points and discussed some detail on each, which furthered increased the importance of your discussion. Educators do have the power to create change and it is that change in the education system that I think will not only show students the potential of how fun it is to learn; but additionally allow students to expand their thinking beyond the basic and consistent textbook thinking. The mind of a person is able to develop a large influence and if teachers do live as educators, then many students will make great influences in this world.

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