So this week has been slow mainly just waiting for content to roll in and backing it up as it does… I have most of the graphics done and all the supplies ordered, just waiting for them to arrive. pretty excited about next week though, heading to chicago for a big job interview. Wish me luck!
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I’ve had that problem with a client before… Basically you’re done just waiting for you. Hopefully they don’t tell you they wish more was done by this point like the did to me, when I had to then tell them I am done with everything up to the point where they were supposed to give me content to finish the rest… haha.
And hope the interview went well!
What kind of service are you providing exactly? And you mentioned video content…is that all or are there gonna be other types of media included such as photography or flash files?.
Good luck on your interview! I absolutely love Chicago, my fiance and I are *hoping* to move there after he graduates. But the way things are looking, we’ll just be moving wherever we can get a job. I’ve visited a lot of big cities, but Chicago is the only that has felt like a home. I really hope you hear back soon (if you haven’t already) and that everything goes well!
How did this job interview go?! Where was it at!?