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Twitter Thoughts

After completing a project exclusively using the web-based social networking site I have come to a couple conclusions about this new technology craze that has swept our country. At first I was very hesitant to join and participate in yet another social networking site that lets people know what you are doing at any time of the day. To me I think that people are continually giving away their right to privacy. Even though people get to choose what they put out for the world to read I just don’t get this whole outlook of putting people’s personal day to day happenings out there for everyone to read. I also find it quite pompous that people assume that others care what they do in their life.

I have talked to some people who swear by twitter saying that that is their one stop site to get news and info about what is going on in today’s world. I can see that being a good use for a site like this. It is almost like a more interactive rss feed at that point which I think is pretty cool.

As for the effectiveness of a site like this for doing a project like we did I think it would be better if you could write more than 160 characters or however many they allow. Having to break a report like that up into little segments that get lost between other people’s posts gets kind of  confusing at times. But it did teach us to be very concise with what we needed to say, which is VERY important in today’s world with everyone being so ADD. They usually want to get their info as quick and easy as possible and that is where twitter shines I think. Quick and easy, and to the point.

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