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To me interactivity has a few different meanings depending on the context it is being used in. When you are talking about the interactivity between a human and a piece of software, I think that it is the sense of interaction that the human user feels while trying to use the software. For example the user’s ability to modify things as they see fit in order to better suit their needs. Or the user’s ability to answer a question, or make some kind of change to interface’s current state. Now when you are talking about human to human, interactivity is talking about the human’s ability to communicate and make changes to their own and the other person’s current state (emotional, physical, etc.).

One thought on “Interactivity: A definition of my own

  1. hermant
    7:13 pm - 10-13-2009

    Very well stated Ian. Interactivity does depend upon context. In both scenarios that you describe, personalization is an important component. Nice!

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