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MERLOT Evaluations

This week we were asked to go online to a new online education community called MERLOT. It is a website where educators and students can post information and teaching modules for everyone in the community to use. I really like the idea of bringing ideas together to form something that is bigger than the collective, because we all different strengths when it comes to knowledge and it only makes sense to share our strengths with others. Having access to all this information allows everyone to know much more than they would have on their own. I think communities like these are a great idea, and I definitely plan on using sites like this one when I get my degree and start teaching online.

The three modules that we evaluated this week were quite different from each other, both in content and in delivery methods. I found that all three would be rather effective in teaching their targeted audience group. The module that I liked least was the Mecmovies module. I think it was the quality and overall presentation of the graphics and material. I understand that it is meant to be used as a complimentary tool with a more in depth text about the subject, I just thought that it felt “cheap” and unprofessional. The content itself was good (though i know nothing about the subject) I thought, but it could have been presented better. My favorite of the three was the Neuroscience for Kids module. It was the most in depth of the three, and it provided many different ways of learning the material with the games and the visuals. We have come to the conclusion so far this semester that there are many different ways of learning and it is good to see this module acknowledges that and tries to incorporate a variety of teaching methods. I also found the DNA module to be pretty good as well. It was easy to navigate and I felt it knew it’s audience well. Supplying the user with easy to navigate buttons and an overall feel that seemed very “child” friendly.

My list of important criteria is as follows:


  • Content quality, validity, relevance
    • Derived from credible, unbiased sources (references, annotated bibliography)
  • Introduction to content, big picture overview
  • Effective chunking of content, instructional sequencing

Learner Interface-

  • Readability, viewability (font size, graphic, video, and audio quality)
  • Intuitive, clear, consistent navigation
  • Visually appealing (screen design, color choices, aesthetics) to support content presentation
  • Accessible, clear, consistent, yet flexible learning environment
    • Allow for exploration; rich, cognitive experience
  • Engaging, effective quality media integration (animation, graphics, video, audio)


  • Orientation to module (FAQs; how the module works; expectations)
  • Learner demographic analysis (determine access to needed technology; generational considerations; other technical considerations)
  • Reasonable load time for intended audience
  • Mechanics (grammar, spelling)

One thought on “MERLOT Evaluations

  1. hermant
    6:36 pm - 9-17-2009

    Excellent evaluation Ian. Many commented on the poor quality of the graphics in MecMovies. The Neuroscience for Kids module was pretty much a universal favorite. The biggest issue noted with the Neuroscience module was the amount of content.

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