Feed on

So this whole online-only degree thing is a bit tricky to get used to at first but I think I am finally starting to get in the swing of things. Wikispace was especially odd to fully grasp at first. It has so much depth to each site with the ability to edit and discuss every page it is sometimes difficult to keep track of where I am supposed to be “digitally”. Which brings me to RSS readers, which it turns out is really cool and time saving. I had never really heard about what they do until now. It has really transformed how I spend time on the computer. I wish that there was a way to have a similar “home base” page that I could set up with my wikispace courses so I could see where I needed to be posting instead of having to dig through all 5 sub pages and their individual discussion boards. There probably is a way to do that, but just like with the RSS readers, I just haven’t stumbled across it yet.

I would like to know which sites other people are subscribing to. I think I need to expand my informational horizons on the web. I have a few blogs that I follow but they are mostly music related. Dealing with the latest electronic software and hardware for music production and performance. That field really interests me, and I am looking forward to seeing where the new tech trends will take collaboration between artists all across the globe.

One thought on “Readers and first impressions

  1. hermant
    4:00 pm - 9-2-2009

    🙂 I think you’re definitely getting the hang of things Ian! I’m glad you found the RSS readers interesting and useful. I think sharing the sites others are subscribing to is an excellent idea. Think Geek is an interesting feed you might want to consider subscribing to. I’ll set up a space for the class to begin building a list of subscription sites with short blurbs on topic area.

    I’ll play around with the structure of the wiki Ian. BGSU just implemented Wikispaces this semester and I’m a primary tester of the interface. I appreciate your feedback!

    Good work Ian!

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