Archive for Urban issues


Vila Autodromo

I am living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil also known as “A Cidade Maravilhosa”/The Marvelous city. And by all accounts it is a marvelous city, the ocean crashes against mountains, a gigantic statue of Christ sits atop a mountain watching the city, and palace like hotels are surrounded by some of the most infamous slums in the world known here as Favelas. Rio really has it all, you can find Favelas with 14 year-olds carrying guns. That is actually why I came, to see if I could help the people in the slums in any way. I quickly realized that the images you see on tv and the stories you hear are not as common as they make you believe. For the most part they are just people trying to get by, while surrounded by mostly high-income families and tourists that have a negative idea of them just because of where they live.
When I decided to come to Rio I had no idea how important the next few months will be for Brazil. Rio just won the bid for the summer Olympics in 2016 and in the next couple years there will be several new stadiums and buildings put up to get ready for this. Developing Rio is a great idea and I am sure it will be great for the city but the problem is how the government plans to get the land for the new buildings.
The government announced in the local paper their plan to remove several Favelas to make room for the new stadiums needed. For several of these communities (possibly all of them) the newspaper was the first time they heard that their communities were slated for removal. One of these communities is called Vila Autodromo and they are the first one scheduled to be removed. In fact to date, not one government official has talked to the community leaders of Vila Autodromo face-to-face. After a protest in front of city hall they finally got a meeting set for March 3rd but it is a closed meeting and seems very shady. Vila Autodromo is an excellent example of a peaceful productive community that the city should be showing off and encouraging and developing not ignoring and breaking up. There are still lots of details to workout and lots of meetings to organize but we will be working to make sure that the mayor is involving the the people in the process. If the government is paying so little attention to one of the most productive Favelas imagine how they would treat the ones that have more problems? I will keep you updated on what happens after the meetings and what is happening in Vila Autodromo and other communities in Rio.

I am living in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil right now and working with an NGO down here. We are working with the favelas of Rio and trying to get more international attention on the favelas. The current issues of peaceful productive favelas being slated for removal with little to no input from the people living there are extremely hypocritical. There is a certain community here, called Vila Autodromo, that is the first on the chopping block so it is the community we are currently focusing are energy towards helping. This community is very productive nearly 100% employment and all the kids are in school, which is a great thing for any community and very rare for a favela. We will be spending a lot of time in this community as well as directly attending as many political meetings as we can that pertain to this neighborhood. I have more stats at the end of the e-mail and I would love to provide you with any information that I can get for you. I will be working down here for the next three months but the work we are doing will be going on long after the Olympics come and go.

We are trying to get the word out about the problems here and I figured you probably cover these issues in one of your classes are maybe the class of one of your colleagues. So any information or material I can get you to help you teach about the favelas would greatly help our cause. The 5th World Urban Forum will be held in Rio from the 22nd-26th of March and I will be attending. The theme is The Right to the City, which is amazingly relevant to Rio’s favelas right now and for the next few years. We will be offering to take people on tours of the favelas and if you know anyone who will be attending the forum and think they would be interested  we would love to sign people up early. I also wanted to offer to take notes on any issues they talk about at the convention that you might find interesting, I would love to give back to BG. If you are interested in information or material or anything please let me know  will be happy to help. [Contact Danny at]