Program Statement

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010 | Assignments for TLEP 4830

Program statements are crucial during any construction project for a number of reasons. In a lecture given on September 9, 2010 program statements are detailed descriptions of all requirements taking place during the construction process, only in written documented form. It provides viewers with estimated costs along with any agreements made between the user, institution and the consultant. Lastly, program statements also detail the goals and objectives of each area of the project taking place.

Listed below are a few detailed suggestions as to how the Eppler Complex can be remodeled to correctly fit the needs of students, staff, and faculty.

  • Meet current fire, safety and ADA regulations.
  • Check all fire alarms to make sure they are in working order, if not, have them be replaced with new ones.
  • Replace all window blinds with vertical shades for a newer updated look.
  • Repaint the walls, using different colors, in order to help make the building less confusing for visitors trying to get around the complex.
  • Designate a room to be a computer lab, adding 30 new computers allowing classes to adequately use the space.
  • Replace all windows with energy efficient ones in order to save energy costs in the long run.
  • Add more signage directing users where to go, including posting maps of where in the building the individual is.
  • Replace any current broken or worn down furniture with new modern furniture.
  • Update carpeting throughout the building to make the facility look cleaner and less worn.
  • Offer recycling bins in each classroom and throughout the hallways of the entire Eppler Center.
  • Strive to renovate Eppler into a LEED Certified building, at any certification level possible.

While searching for renovations done by other college campus’ I found that many are now renovating to become ‘greener’. At Los Angeles Valley College, they have an entire website dedicated to the renovations being done on their campus. One of the pages includes information on how the college is becoming a greener place by designing its buildings to be LEED certified. When I saw how many universities were switching to being greener, I got the inspiration to have a goal in the renovations be that the Eppler building be LEED certified also.

One of the renovations on my list is to check all fire alarms. While this may seem weird, after having read an article about Santa Ana College I immediately put the check on my list. According to this article, Santa Ana College failed to replace or fix the fire alarms in seven of their buildings. After it was brought to a student reporter’s attention and an article was released, it was then that the college said they would fix the alarms. They also stated everything would be in working order in 20 to 30 days. To me this seems absolutely ridiculous, how could a college fail to have proper working fire alarms? Even though they are going to fix them a month still seems too long, I would think they would want to fix them immediately in order for their students to be safe.

Hopefully with the renovations that I listed Eppler will become a better place for everyone. I hope that the building will look better and function better.

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