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Dr. Ronald Seavoy recently published his tenth book, entitled: Mining Agriculture Religion: The Three Frontiers of Indonesian Borneo in 1970.  It is a study of economic development when Indonesia reentered the global economy after a period of post-independence stagnation.  It is based on his residence in Indonesia for 18 months in 1970-1971 when he worked as a senior exploration geologist for ALCOA in grassroots exploration for bauxite (ore of aluminum) and nickel laterite (ore of nickel).  This was the field experience for writing four books: Famine in Peasant Societies, Famine in East Africa: Food Production and Food Policies, Subsistence and Economic Development, Origins and Growth of the Global Economy from the Fifteenth Century Onward, and this book.

For more on Dr. Seavoy’s interests and research, please visit his department page.