Reader Response 9/25

  • Plagiarism ranges anywhere between using the actually words of another to using just a few words, to paraphrasing the words into their own words.
  • One should over cite instead of under cite, to be safe.
  • Never copy a paper off of the internet to turn in.
  • There are many different things that fall under academic honesty not just plagiarism.  A few others would be cheating, and fabricating.
  • One should never cheat.
  • This would include having a person rephrase sentences, write an entire paper or even just looking off of someone’s paper.
  • Fabricating is also unacceptable.  This means making up false facts or even statistics to place in ones writing.
  • If one has already written a paper for another class and would like to use that in their GSW class or any other class for that matter make sure that they ask permission from both professors.
  • Same goes for if one wants to use a paper from high school, they need to ask permission from the professors first.
  • The best thing to do if one is not for sure is to ask the professor or another well educated person for help.  A good place would be the writing center.

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