Reader Response 9/14

  • Newspaper articles
  • Quotes from parents
  • Quotes from doctors who have voice their opinion in articles
  • Books
  • Internet sources
  • Statistics
  • Magazine articles
  • Compare to the old days
  • Studies that have been done over the issue
  • Giving an example of the issue at hand
  • Personal experience

We use supports when writing about a position.  They are very important because they help demonstrate your point of view without placing strains on the other side.  By using supports you argument becomes clearer and also gets people interested in your point of view.  With using supports we see what the actual harm behind issues that one would not normally know, which makes people think about their side in the issue at hand.  Supports are needed to show evidence of the side that you are arguing.  An example of that would be using statistics to show how many teenagers have had an abortion, compared to the ones who have not.  One could use this point in a paper disputing abortion.   Also, another example would be sexually transmitted diseases and showing that to the younger generation to prevent them from having sex.  Supports are used in everyday life.  They may not have to deal with trying to persuade someone on an issue, but they are also used to persuade what we want to eat, drink, watch, ect.  Not only are supports used to help prove a point, but they are also used everyday day to persuade the people in the universe on products, problems, and worldly issues.

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