Reader Response 9/4

To start revising I plan on taking the notes from peer review and using them to start revising my essay.  These notes are going to help me look at what is confusing and unclear and make those areas clear and concise.  Also they are going to help me get the conclusion of my essay into perspective and explain my belief in more detail.  I plan on getting some more feedback from a couple other people, and compare their comments with the others to see it they said the same thing, then I can decide why they each person think that and decide on whether I should keep it or not.  After that I plan on going through the revising content and organization checklist.  This contains check the purpose, thesis, audience, structure, paragraphs and visuals.  By checking these in the essay I can make sure that my essay matches the requirements of a “This I Believe” essay.  By checking all of my paragraphs I can make sure that each paragraph doesn’t contain too much, too little information or information that does not pertain to the subject.  Also by checking these paragraphs I can make sure that the thesis of my paper fits throughout the whole essay and makes since as well.  I feel by doing these things to revise my essay will make it top quality. 

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