Reader Response 8/28

· What a person values:

o Giving

o Family

o Science

o Faith

· They are short and get to the point of what they value.

o Can be about anything

· A little story is presented about how this value appeared.

· Mostly they are about something that happened to them.

o In Giving I Connect with Others- Through her daughter’s illness she realized that giving isn’t something that just happens in a family, but it is something that should happen all the time to anyone that needs help.

o Science Nourishes the Mind and the Soul- He realized after going to a planetarium that even though science cannot explain how or why we are he, it is still important to look at how it affects the way children learn through science and math and how they understand it and use it in their daily life.

To create your own “This I Believe,” you first have to think of something that you value. This can be anything from something that is serious to something that is just plain silly. After you have chosen something that you value, then you needed to think of a story that shows why this is something that you value. This can range from something that happened to you throughout the day to something that has progressed over the years. These essays should not be shorter than 350 words, but no longer than 500 words. They should be able to read in three minutes. Basically, these essays short and about a value that you hold most dearly to yourself.

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