First Blog 8/28

Writing is important for everyone because if no one wrote then we could not communicate with each other.  Also, our feelings could never be expressed to others through writing.  We probably would not be able to watch movies, play in bands, sing in choir, or even just go to the theater to watch a play.  Everything in this world is some how related to writing and if no one knew how to write then we would all be very bored.

Writing is important for all of us to pass school and to get a job.  All jobs will at some point require everyone to write.  We need to know how to properly write because it also helps us speak and communicate to others.  Writing in general is good to know how to do.

Being able to write right now may not seem very important to you, but for the rest of your life you are going to need to know how to write a paper for class or even for your job; when you obtain one.  Writing helps you communicate to others and even speak with a more proper tone.  It will help you if you decide to join band or choir because maybe someday you would want to be a composer.

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