Decoding Parker Cylinder Part Number Breakdown: Unlocking the Key to Identifying and Ordering Components

Parker cylinders play a vital role in various industries, powering essential machinery and equipment. Accurately identifying and ordering the right Parker cylinder components is of utmost importance to ensure seamless operation and optimal performance. This outline aims to provide a comprehensive breakdown of Parker cylinder part number breakdown, simplifying the process of identification and ordering. By understanding the structure and significance of part numbers, you’ll gain the knowledge needed to navigate through the vast range of Parker cylinder components. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of Parker cylinder identification and ordering, enabling you to make informed decisions and streamline your procurement process.

Understanding Parker Cylinders

Parker cylinders are essential components that find diverse applications across various industries. These cylinders are designed to harness the power of fluid pressure, whether hydraulic or pneumatic, and convert it into mechanical motion. By utilizing the principles of fluid power, Parker cylinders enable the movement and operation of a wide range of machinery and equipment.

parker cylinder part number breakdown

Comprised of key components, Parker cylinders work in tandem to facilitate mechanical motion. The cylinder barrel serves as the housing for the piston, which separates the cylinder into two chambers—the rod side and the cap side. As fluid pressure is applied, the piston moves back and forth within the cylinder, generating linear motion.

Identifying and selecting the appropriate components for Parker cylinders is vital for achieving optimal performance. Each application has unique requirements, necessitating specific components and features. By understanding the intricacies of Parker cylinders and the significance of part selection, you can make informed decisions that contribute to enhanced performance and efficiency.

In the following sections, we will explore the structure of Parker cylinder part number breakdown, decode their sections, and discuss the importance of accurate identification and selection. Join us as we unravel the world of Parker cylinders, their components, and the key considerations for optimal performance.

Decoding Parker Cylinder Part Numbers

To accurately identify and select Parker cylinder parts, it is essential to understand the structure and format of their part numbers. Let’s delve into the breakdown of Parker cylinder part number breakdown and explore the significance of each section:

  1. Series Code: The series code, located at the beginning of the part number, represents the general type or family of the cylinder. For example, “2H” indicates a heavy-duty hydraulic cylinder, while “2A” represents a non-repairable pneumatic cylinder. The series code helps categorize the cylinder and provides initial insights into its intended use.
  2. Bore Size: The two-digit number following the series code denotes the bore size, which refers to the internal diameter of the cylinder. For instance, a bore size of “04” corresponds to a 0.5-inch bore, while “10” represents a 1-inch bore. Bore size plays a crucial role in determining the cylinder’s capacity and the force it can generate.
  3. Stroke Length: The three-digit number after the bore size section indicates the stroke length, which is the maximum distance the cylinder’s piston can travel. A stroke length of “050” translates to 5 inches, while “200” indicates a 20-inch stroke length. Understanding the stroke length is essential for ensuring that the cylinder’s movement aligns with the requirements of your application.
  4. Mounting Style: The two-letter code following the stroke length section represents the mounting style of the cylinder. Common mounting styles include “FA” for front flange mount, “TA” for trunnion mount, and “NF” for nose mount, among others. Selecting the appropriate mounting style ensures proper installation and integration of the cylinder into your specific equipment or system.
  5. Rod End Style: The two-letter code after the mounting style section signifies the design of the rod attachment at one end of the cylinder. Examples include “LB” for male clevis, “CD” for female threaded rod end, and “TB” for male threaded rod end. The rod end style determines how the cylinder connects to other components and influences the range of motion and load-bearing capacity.
  6. Options and Modifications: This section may contain additional letters or codes that indicate various options, modifications, or features specific to the cylinder. These codes provide information on customizations such as cushioning (“CC” for cushioned cap end), rod coatings (“CB” for chrome-plated rod), seals (“NS” for nitrile seals), or other specialized requirements. Paying attention to these codes helps ensure that the cylinder meets your specific needs.

By understanding the structure and decoding the different sections of Parker cylinder part numbers, you gain valuable insights into the characteristics and specifications of the part. This knowledge enables you to make informed decisions during the selection process and ensures compatibility with your application’s requirements.

In the next section, we will provide examples to illustrate how to interpret and understand Parker cylinder part number breakdown effectively. Stay tuned as we dive deeper into the world of part number decoding.

Significance of Part Number Sections

To effectively identify and select Parker cylinder parts, it is essential to understand the significance of each section within a Parker cylinder part number. Let’s delve into the importance of each section and familiarize ourselves with common prefixes, codes, and abbreviations used in Parker cylinder part numbers:

  1. Series Code: The series code, located at the beginning of the part number, represents the general type or family of the cylinder. For example, “2H” signifies a heavy-duty hydraulic cylinder, while “2A” indicates a non-repairable pneumatic cylinder. This code helps categorize the cylinder and provides initial information about its intended use.
  2. Bore Size: The two-digit number following the series code indicates the bore size, which refers to the internal diameter of the cylinder. A bore size of “04” corresponds to a 0.5-inch bore, while “10” represents a 1-inch bore. Bore size plays a crucial role in determining the cylinder’s capacity and the force it can generate.
  3. Stroke Length: The three-digit number after the bore size section denotes the stroke length, which is the maximum distance the cylinder’s piston can travel. A stroke length of “050” translates to 5 inches, while “200” indicates a 20-inch stroke length. Understanding the stroke length is essential for ensuring that the cylinder’s movement aligns with the requirements of your application.
  4. Mounting Style: The two-letter code following the stroke length section represents the mounting style of the cylinder. Common mounting styles include “FA” for front flange mount, “TA” for trunnion mount, and “NF” for nose mount, among others. Selecting the appropriate mounting style ensures proper installation and integration of the cylinder into your specific equipment or system.
  5. Rod End Style: The two-letter code after the mounting style section signifies the design of the rod attachment at one end of the cylinder. Examples include “LB” for male clevis, “CD” for female threaded rod end, and “TB” for male threaded rod end. The rod end style determines how the cylinder connects to other components and influences the range of motion and load-bearing capacity.
  6. Options and Modifications: This section may contain additional letters or codes that indicate various options, modifications, or features specific to the cylinder. These codes provide information on customizations such as cushioning (“CC” for cushioned cap end), rod coatings (“CB” for chrome-plated rod), seals (“NS” for nitrile seals), or other specialized requirements. Paying attention to these codes helps ensure that the cylinder meets your specific needs.

Understanding the information conveyed by each section of the part number empowers you to select the right Parker cylinder parts accurately. By considering the series code, bore size, stroke length, mounting style, rod end style, and any additional options or modifications, you can ensure compatibility and optimal performance for your application.

In the next section, we will explore variations in Parker cylinder part numbers and how to interpret them effectively. Stay tuned for insights into navigating the world of part number variations.

Interpreting Part Number Variations

Parker cylinder part numbers may exhibit variations that indicate specific features, options, or modifications. Understanding these variations is crucial for accurately interpreting and selecting the right part. Let’s explore how different part number variations can impact your selection process:

  1. Stroke Adjustments: Some Parker cylinder part number breakdown may include additional codes or suffixes to indicate stroke adjustments. These variations allow for fine-tuning the stroke length to meet specific application requirements. Pay attention to codes like “SA” (Standard Adjustable), “CJ” (Cushioned Adjustable), or “VH” (Variable Stroke).
  2. Cushioning Options: Parker cylinders often provide cushioning to minimize the impact at the end of the stroke. Part numbers may include codes like “CC” (Cushioned Cap End), “CR” (Cushioned Rod End), or “CB” (Both Ends Cushioned) to indicate the cushioning configuration.
  3. Rod End Treatments: Certain Parker cylinders may feature specialized treatments or coatings on the rod end for enhanced performance. Look for codes like “CB” (Chrome-Plated Rod), “S3” (Stainless Steel Rod), or “MT” (Magnetic Piston) to identify specific rod end treatments.
  4. Seal Options: The seal options in Parker cylinder part number breakdown are denoted by codes such as “NS” (Nitrile Seals), “VS” (Viton Seals), or “HS” (High-Temperature Seals). These variations allow you to choose seals suitable for specific operating conditions, such as temperature extremes or chemical exposure.
  5. Port Types: Part numbers may include codes to indicate the type of ports on the cylinder. For example, “PP” (Pipe Ports) indicates threaded pipe ports, “SP” (Saddle Plate) refers to a saddle plate with tapped holes, and “TH” (Tapped Holes) denotes cylinders with tapped holes for custom fittings.

Carefully analyzing the part number variations and understanding their implications is crucial for selecting the right Parker cylinder part. Consider the specific features, options, or modifications indicated by these variations and align them with your application requirements. By doing so, you can ensure optimal performance and functionality.

parker cylinder part number breakdown

In the next section, we will introduce resources and tools available for part number lookup and verification, providing valuable assistance in your selection process. Stay tuned!

Utilizing Resources for Part Number Lookup

When it comes to identifying and selecting Parker cylinder parts, utilizing available resources and tools can greatly simplify the process. Let’s explore some of the key resources you can leverage for part number lookup and verification:

  1. Online Databases: Parker provides online databases that contain comprehensive catalogs and technical documentation. These databases allow you to search for specific part numbers, access detailed product information, and verify compatibility with your application requirements. Utilize the search functions and filters to quickly find the relevant parts.
  2. Catalogs and Technical Documentation: Parker offers printed catalogs and technical documentation that provide in-depth information about their cylinder products. These resources typically include detailed specifications, dimensional drawings, and performance data. Use these catalogs to browse through different series and models, making it easier to find the right part numbers for your application.
  3. Interactive Online Tools: Parker may offer interactive online tools, such as configurators or product selectors, that guide you through the process of selecting the appropriate cylinder parts. These tools often incorporate drop-down menus, parameter inputs, and visual representations to help you narrow down your options and identify the right part numbers.
  4. Distributor Support: Parker has a network of authorized distributors who are knowledgeable about their products. Reach out to a local distributor for personalized assistance in identifying and selecting the right part numbers. They can provide expert guidance, answer specific questions, and help ensure compatibility with your application.
  5. Technical Support and Documentation: Parker’s technical support team can provide additional assistance in identifying and verifying part numbers. They can help you navigate through the available resources, provide technical specifications, and address any inquiries you may have regarding part numbers or specific applications.

When utilizing these resources, be sure to have the relevant information at hand, such as the application requirements, operating conditions, and any specific features or modifications needed. This will help streamline the search process and ensure accurate identification of the right Parker cylinder parts.

In the next section, we will discuss best practices and guidelines for identifying and selecting Parker cylinder parts, providing valuable insights to streamline your selection process. Stay tuned for expert tips and recommendations!

Best Practices for Identifying and Selecting Parker Cylinder Parts

Identifying and selecting the right Parker cylinder parts requires careful consideration and adherence to best practices. Here are some guidelines to streamline your selection process and ensure optimal results:

  1. Cross-Reference Part Numbers: When identifying Parker cylinder parts, cross-reference part numbers across different resources, such as online databases, catalogs, and technical documentation. This helps verify the accuracy of the information and provides a comprehensive view of the available options.
  2. Consult with Experts: Seek guidance from Parker’s technical support team or authorized distributors. Their expertise can assist you in navigating the vast range of Parker cylinder parts, interpreting part number variations, and ensuring compatibility with your application requirements. They can also provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their experience.
  3. Consider Application Requirements: Understand the specific needs of your application. Consider factors such as operating conditions, load requirements, environmental considerations, and any special features or modifications needed. This ensures that the selected Parker cylinder parts are well-suited to handle the demands of your application.
  4. Verify Compatibility: Pay close attention to compatibility between the selected parts and your existing equipment or system. Consider factors such as mounting style, rod end style, seals, and port types to ensure proper fit and integration. Verify that the selected parts align with the specifications and requirements of your equipment.
  5. Ensure Quality and Reliability: Select Parker cylinder parts known for their quality and reliability. Parker has a reputation for manufacturing high-quality components, but it is still essential to verify the quality and performance of the selected parts. Check for certifications, ratings, and customer reviews to ensure that you are choosing reliable and durable components.
  6. Consider Long-Term Maintenance: Evaluate the ease of maintenance and availability of spare parts for the selected Parker cylinder components. Opt for parts that are easily serviceable and supported by Parker’s distribution network. This ensures that you can access spare parts and technical support when needed, minimizing downtime and maintenance costs.

By following these best practices, you can streamline the process of identifying and selecting Parker cylinder parts, ensuring compatibility, performance, and reliability for your application.

In the concluding section, we will recap the importance of accurate identification and selection of Parker cylinder parts, summarize the key points covered in the outline, and encourage you to utilize the outlined information and resources to simplify your part selection process.


Accurate identification and selection of Parker cylinder parts are essential for achieving optimal performance and efficiency in various industries. Throughout this outline, we have explored the significance of Parker cylinders, the structure of part numbers, the decoding of different sections, the variations in part numbers, and the resources available for part number lookup. By understanding these concepts and utilizing the provided resources, you can simplify the identification and ordering process.

Remember the key takeaways from this outline: Cross-reference part numbers, consult with experts, consider application requirements, verify compatibility, ensure quality and reliability, and factor in long-term maintenance. By following these best practices, you can make well-informed decisions and select the right Parker cylinder parts for your specific needs.

We encourage you to apply the knowledge gained from this outline and utilize the available resources, such as online databases, catalogs, and technical support, to streamline your part selection process. By doing so, you can ensure compatibility, enhance performance, and maintain the reliability of your equipment or systems.

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the intricacies of Parker cylinder part number breakdown. We hope this information empowers you to make informed decisions and simplifies your part selection process.

parker cylinder part number breakdown

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