'October 2009'

Zombie Plan

If my group’s Zombie Plan was presented to the student body I do believe it would convince them to follow it. I believe this because my group had a well thought out plan and I personally am convinced it will work. We have put long, hard thought into it.

what is a problem that you think you can solve?

Why is it important and how would you solve it? One major problem is violence. It is important because innocent people can lose their lives. There is many ways to solve this, such as Not allowing media to promote violence.

instances of your writer based prose in esay 3

I am very unsure about what “writer base prose means, so I am unsure if I have any in essay 3. .. My essay is about the trend of text messaging and how it largely effects the daily life of students on campus.

What are you proud/struggling with the most in essay 3

So far in this essay, I am most proud of the information I have gathered. However, I am greatly struggling with finding sources to use and developing a work cited page, as well as citing text in the  paper.

Working thesis for essay 3

My working thesis for essay 3 is… More and more people are using text messaging in their daily life to communicate faster and more efficient, as well as the opportunities that text messaging brings.

A moment to Reflect

I think my academic writing has greatly improved. I can see positive changes in developing a thesis and organization. I would like to improve on structure and transitions. I also have much work to do on finding and citing reliable sources.

A trend that Interest me and main causes

One trend that interest me is that of text messaging. Todays society is making it harder and harder to carry on without texting. Not to mention, when Grandma texts, then it is literally taking over the nation. I believe the media is the main cause of this.