September, 2009

questions/concerns about position & sources

I do not have many questions or concerns currently. I believe my sources are liable and I believe I am addressing a good position. I was wondering however if we should set our paper up as a letter addressed to the city council, or if it should just be set up like our previous essay.

Topic for essay 2 & 2 reputable sources

After hours of brainstorming, I decided to write about littering on campus and its negative impact. I am addressing what we need to do to change this. I chose both of my sources because they seem liable and trustworthy, and neither of them are a .com. They are helpful because they list the effects of littering and what other people/campuses are doing to solve the issue.

No MOre Trash! | Litter Facts

Litter: Why do people litter?

Question for Tuesday, September 15th

What I like most about my final essay is the overall paper I also liked the changes I made and what I learned from writing this essay.

What did I change about the order of essay 1

I need to change a lot  about my organization. I need to put my paragraphs in the order that they are stated in my thesis. The Cutting and pasting really helped to revise my paper. I also have to change where I previously placed my thesis.

What did I learn during my peer review session? What do I plan to focus on next?

I learned that my partner liked my essay, however thought that I needed to fix a few things. I am going to do some things different, such as trying to be more in depth, fixing my grammar, and being more clear with my main topics.

What did I like most about draft 1?

I would have to say that what I liked most about draft #1 was how creative I could be. I enjoy creative writing. What scared me the most was my grammar. I am not Strong in the grammar field. I felt weak in the Development stage and I enjoyed addressing my fellow student body.

Pre-writing strategies

The 2 Pre-writing strategies that I found to be most helpful were the audience awareness sheets and  free-writing. The audience awareness sheet helped me in many ways. One way is that I tend to forget to keep my audience in mind, so this strategy helped me think about them. I really enjoyed the free-writing strategy. I found it to be very easy and I came up with most of my ideas this way.

My organization

For my essay I created an organization named F.A.S.T. (Friends As Student Teachers). It is an organization that helps students complete their homework. It is in some ways like a large study group created by the university. I believe that F.A.S.T. is one of the greatest organizations a student could enter.