Sl troubles.

December 1, 2008 haleyb

Our group ran into a couple of problems while setting up the land for our swim-up bar. We boght a grotto (sp?)…really without thinking things through, we were just really excited about it and thought it would be a wise investment..and that it would look really cool in our project. It was pretty big, but we figured we could edit it since we bought it, however that was not the case. After spending a good amount of Linden (i think it was like $800 or something) we ended up not being able to use it since the land we purchased was not big enough to fit it in. So we learned to think before we buy..unfortunetly we learned the hard way, but at least we know better to think things through before spending all of our SL $$ on something we can’t even use! It swim-up bar still looks cool though.

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