Ch 8.

November 21, 2008 haleyb

This chapter discusses money and the economy in SL-it’s about how to make a profit and earn money through businesses. It was interesting because thats what we’re doing right now with our businesses. It’s definetly alot easier to work as a group when it comes to creating a business because we can all contribute different aspects and ideas to it. We can put our ideas together, as well as our money to get what we need to have a successful business. I like the whole freebie aspect-especially when i first started off on SL because I didn’t have any moeny or know how to earn money for that matter so freebies were great to make my avatar not so boring. I understand that people take SL seriously and want to make a profit-even though it’s not actual money, and it’s fun to see other avatars come to your businesses!

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