Ch. 6 Thoughts

October 24, 2008 haleyb

Chapter 6 is titled “Intimacy” and it discusses different relationships through second life. When discussing friendships i saw alot in the chapter that i sometimes think about while on SL. For example, there are some members in my group that aren’t friends with me on SL, i rally don’t think about adding friends on SL like on facebook or myspace but when i ask someone to teleport me and they’re not my friend i find myself almost feeling sorry for my avatar, and thinking “aww my avatar doesn’t have any friends!” haha.  When discussing romantic relationships within SL, it is actually pretty weird to me. Just for the fact that you can meet another avatar on SL and get to know them through SL and then be like “hey do you want to be my SL boyfriend?” I don’t know that kind of creeps me out a little bit! Also early on in the semester how we discussed avatars having a wedding..and spending ACTUAL money on a wedding!? I don’t know, just my opinion, but i thinks thats sooo weird! The book talks about how people really get into this though, and if thats what they want to do then hey more power to the, i guess i can’t judge just because i don’t agree with it! I guess Sl kind of reminds me of those old chat rooms we all used to go in back in the day and meet new people. You make friend with other avatars not knowing who they really are (unless they are in our class) just like when chatting with someone in a chat room. They could be making up everything they are telling you to portray themselves as someone else, but its the experience of meeting new people that you have, much like in SL. So, what i have learned is that some people take this pretty seriously and this is a form of networking, just like facebook or myspace.

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