Ch. 4 Thoughts

October 24, 2008 haleyb

In this chapter the author talks about the importance of visualability and building in SL. I think that discussing design is important because we are creating our own businesses and it is helpful to know how to go about it. I like how the author discusses the way SL avitars can sell land to one another and how, in my opinion, it is much like actual life. When purchasing something from someone, like a house for example, the buyer must investigate the house and decide whether it is worth the price or not. Also, the buyer and seller must agree on a price for the purchase. It is the exact same in SL, we purchased land from another avatar in order to make or swim up bar. Your avatar can decide where they would like to build their land, and what type of land they want. We are making a swim up bar, so naturally we wanted an area nera a beach with a pool. Not only is the land important but the things you put in the land are just as equally important. I was actually able to find alot of freebies that we needed for our swim up bar, for example I got a lot of free alcohol, a water fall and different building materials and textures. I can see how what we are currently doing in class ties inwith this chapter, which is very helpful to know all about purchasing land and what to do withit when you’re done.

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