Archive for November, 2008
Ch 8.
This chapter discusses money and the economy in SL-it’s about how to make a profit and earn money through businesses. It was interesting because thats what we’re doing right now with our businesses. It’s definetly alot easier to work as a group when it comes to creating a business because we can all contribute different aspects and ideas to it. We can put our ideas together, as well as our money to get what we need to have a successful business. I like the whole freebie aspect-especially when i first started off on SL because I didn’t have any moeny or know how to earn money for that matter so freebies were great to make my avatar not so boring. I understand that people take SL seriously and want to make a profit-even though it’s not actual money, and it’s fun to see other avatars come to your businesses!
Add comment November 21, 2008

Ch. 7
This chapter discussed community within the second life world. I found this interesting because at the beginning of the year everyone was concerned with where to go to find other avatars so we could do our ethnography and semiotics. As a class we pretty much found out that amusement parks or dance clubs and bars were the place to go to observe second life. I found it interesting how in these busy places there are little orbs you can click on that let you do certain things-for example, in the bars you can click on the orb and it says “dance” and your avatar starts dancing. Once again, the more i read the book themore i realize all of the layers that SL has, people blog about random things as their avatars, there are events that are created so that avatars can go to them and meet eachother and interact.
Add comment November 21, 2008