Archive for September 10th, 2008
More reactions to Second Life..
In class on Friday we had an open discussion of everyone’s feelings towards Second seemed that in general everyone agreed. From what i gathered most of us have never experienced anything like this so it’s all pretty weird to us. The list we came up with as a class about our reactions to Second Life was pretty accurate to how i see it as of right now. I think it’s crazy how serious people take whenw e discussed in class how Second Life characters had a wedding a paid a ridiculous amount of money for it, that just blows my mind! It’s crazy how they are considered certifyably (is that a word?) married in the yes of the law. My initial reaction was, don’t they have anything better to do with their time/money?? Honestly though once I thought about maybe they don’t, and this might actually be one of their interests and something that makes them happy, so who am I to judge that. I think as the class goes as a whole we may all become more open-minded about Second Life and some of the strange things we see on it and hear about.
Add comment September 10, 2008