Archive for August, 2008
1st day with Second Life.
When we first started Second Life i was pretty confused..I chose the name Hayls because that’s my nickname. I picked the blonde avatar since I’m blonde, but I was having problems customizing it, so I still basically look like the avatar they offered to me at the beginning. It was pretty overwhelming once everyone got to the same spot and there were little avatars everywhere but hopefully it will be less confusing as I go along! I like making my avatar fly :] Should be fun once I catch onto what I’m doing!!
Add comment August 30, 2008

1st post.
I’m Haley Bender, I’m 22 years old and a 5th year senior at BGSU, IPC major, History minor. My second life name is Hayls Borkotron and it will be better than Dwight K. Schrute’s. :]
1 comment August 29, 2008