For/against gay marriage

In the For gay marriage argument, Sullivan says one of the strongest arguments for gay marriage is a conservative one. And in the Against gay marriage argument Bennett says Marriage is not an arbitrary construct; it is an honorable estate based on the different complementary nature of men and women – and how they refine, support, encourage and complete one another. This is obviously a conservative approach. But Sullivan says ….several cities in the United States have domestic partnership laws, which allow non-heterosexual relationships to qualify for benefits. Sullivan is saying the concept of domestic partnerships chips away at the prestige of traditional relationships but undermines the priorities we give them. Saying that legally it is known they are together, but it is not accepted socially. Which are both logical approaches. Another part of his argument he says imagine dating without even the possibility of marriage. This is a very emotional approach to go about the argument. I think Sullivan does a much better job of defending his argument and pulling in more pathos appeal.

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