
I thought the essays we read in class were hilarious. The first one the author talks about how only capitalistic women work for that bigger house or the second car and how it is unneccessary for a woman to work. She says she is looked down upon because she is a stay at home mom but feels satisfied and has a wonderful family.
Ironically, the next essay is about her husband divorcing her. Her views on women working drastically change. And she realizes it is not greedy for women to have jobs and support themselves.
She was a good writer and used big words however, her first essay made me very angry. Today, it is crucial for women to have jobs as well. It is unreasonable for people to women should not work. We have every capability of working that men do.

One thought on “1/19

  1. Heather McIntyre
    2:42 pm - 1-20-2010

    I’m glad you saw the humor in these essays, Alex. The first one has the potential to make people quite angry…particularly if they happen to be career women or be close to a working mother. Considering the types of people who read the New York Times where this was originally published, do you think she took an appropriate tone with her audience? Who may have agreed with her, and who may have tuned her out?

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