Archive for January, 2010

Readers Response Logs

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

I have never done readers responses. Usually in the past I have just read and then talked about the reading afterwards. But I feel like if i were to do these response logs, I would probably comprehend things better and remember more of what I have read. They could help me form a critique because i could just organize all of my ideas and go off of them. I think they are a great idea.


Wednesday, January 20th, 2010

The author of debunking myths talks about how the ideal picture of the American Nuclear family is no where near reality. Although all families are created the same way, they react and behave differently towards each other. I think this is an effective article however, it seems long and full of fluff. Some things could have been cut out and she could have sumed her points up a little bit quicker.


Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

I thought the essays we read in class were hilarious. The first one the author talks about how only capitalistic women work for that bigger house or the second car and how it is unneccessary for a woman to work. She says she is looked down upon because she is a stay at home mom but feels satisfied and has a wonderful family.
Ironically, the next essay is about her husband divorcing her. Her views on women working drastically change. And she realizes it is not greedy for women to have jobs and support themselves.
She was a good writer and used big words however, her first essay made me very angry. Today, it is crucial for women to have jobs as well. It is unreasonable for people to women should not work. We have every capability of working that men do.

1/14/09 reading text

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

I preview the introduction and the whole passage and the conclusion. Then I go back and read the whole passage. I make sure I understand everything I read and comprehend the whole passage.

3 interesting things

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

I love to travel, I have been to Spain.
I’m majoring in international business.
I’m a ski lift operator at Boston Mills.

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