Archive for October, 2009


Thursday, October 29th, 2009

I definitely think people would follow my zombie plan because it is pretty fool-proof. Flying to Alaska and shacking up in a log cabin would be a good idea. Because the zombies can’t attack in the cold and we would have all the neccesities to live. By the time our food that we brought with us runs out, the zombies will be gone and we can go home.

problem I am interested in solving

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

One major problem that needs to be solved is the gross food on campus! There are many solutions to this problem, the school should by better food, cook the food differently, use better ingredients, clean up the dining halls, and give us more options.

writer based prose

Thursday, October 22nd, 2009

I think I only have a few instances of writer based prose in my essay. Sometimes in my paper I talk as if the reader already has knowledge on my topic.

10/15 essay

Monday, October 19th, 2009

i am most proud of all the supporting evidence i have in my essay. i still need to work on my organization of the paper though.

essay 3 topic

Monday, October 12th, 2009

Cafeterias in grade schools are starting to make their food healthier. This is due to many different reasons. The main one being schools across the nation now have a wellness policy which includes goals for nutrition, goals for physical education, goals for other school activities that promote student wellness, and a plan to implement the policy and a person in charge of making this happen. Too many Americans are obese and the United States needs to help Americans learn how to make healthy choices from the time they are young until they die.


Tuesday, October 6th, 2009

I think my writing definitely has improved since I have been in this class. The writing we do is a different style of writing then I’m used to. I have learned how to use supporting evidence to back up my points. I still haven’t grasped the whole idea of this style of writing but I’m sure by the end of the semester I will have it down.

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