After reading 302-305, I have a better understanding of how to organize my paper. Also what to look for when I am trying to relate to my audience. It asked many questions relating to the audience, and how to grab their attention. Making sure all the key element are in the paper. The outlining your draft helped a lot as well, and it will help me to get organized with my paper.

The reading from the St.Martin’s Guide helped me out a ton in trying to figure out what to write my essay about. While I was reading I thought the part about outlining your draft was very interesting. I never knew you could have such specific outlines like the examples in the book. During this time my tentative thesis is that  cosmetic commercials are being aimed at the younger generation more then it has been in the past. Once I have a solid idea I will refer back to this section in the book to add more effect to my paper.

This assignment helped me question my topic, thesis, and ideas to make sure I have a workable topic. This reading taught me about writing interesting, attention grabbing sentences and how to use sentence strategies. This assignment also taught me about sources and how to find the right one for a topic. One thing I think will be most helpful is what the reading taught me about arguments and counterarguments, because that is the most important part of the paper.

After reading these pages i realized that i can use the questions to ask myself to help prepare and proofread my paper. I plan on using the outline they gave in the book which was;

1. Presenting the issue

2. thesis statement

3. plausible reasons

4. opposing argument with refute

5. second opposing with refute

6. conclusion

In reading this section in the St.Martin’s Guide to Reading book, I learned how to have a better plan going into writing a draft/paper. It also helped me working with arguments and counterarguments, which was a problem area for me on my last paper. The portion on outlining things was a review for me, but it never hurts to re-read something. Overall, I think reading this will help me with Essay #2 and I’m sure many more writing assignments to come.

While reading the pages 302-305 i learned how to plan and draft my paper. I learned a lot of different techniques that can be used in writing an paper and captivating an audience. You can attack a paper in many different ways. It is important to know whether you want to write for readers who agree with you primarily or disagree with you primarily. Also writing opening sentences are not as important in the rough draft because you will likely find out the best way to start your paper after doing a rough draft.

Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience:

My audience is anyone that uses technology. I will use certain points/examples that are more relevant to students and educators.

My purpose is to inform and hopefully offer a fresh perspective on my topic.

Presenting the Issue:

I will present the issue in a personal context. I will use examples from my life and personal opinions to open the audience’s mind.

Making Argument/Counter-argument:

I will organize my individual arguments into separate paragraphs. I will use one or two paragraphs to acknowledge the validity of counter-arguments. I think with the dynamics of the topic the counter-argument will be more of an alternative perspective and less of a black and white, right or wrong situation.


The ending paragraph of my paper will take the most strong points/arguments from my paper and reiterate them and tie them all up in an organized way. I always try to have an ending paragraph that doesn’t leave any questions unanswered.


Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience—

The paper I write will direct to students that use technology on a daily basis. The topics I write about will convince  the technology users to understand the pros and cons.

Presenting the Issue:
I wil present my issue from examples and how I feel about the issue.

Making Your Argument and Counterargument:
I will provide evidence from both sides so that it is fair for both parties to agree on and really think about what the issue is. I will not put down the counter argument as much as possible.

The Ending:
I will close my paper with by rephrasing what I have said from the begging and will have a good thesis to backup the entire argument.


Clarifying Your Purpose & Audience:

My audience will be the students at BGSU. I will try to persuade them to agree with my position of the dependency that society has on technology is not always good.

Presenting the Issue:

I will present the issue in a personal context using examples from my life.

Making My Argument & Counterargument:

For my body of my paper, I will have each issue being it’s own paragraph, starting with the largest issue to the smallest. I will include a paragraph for my counterargument. Also, I will use statistics and research throughout my paper and cite them correctly.

The Ending:

In my ending paragraph, I will restate my thesis and rephrase what I said throughout my paper.

Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience:

I am writing this argument towards college students and i want to let them know how video games are beneficial instead of all the bad effects people see them as causing.

Presenting the Issue:
I will be presenting the issue using my personal experiences with video games and using my research i will present it globally.

Making Your Argument and Counterargument:
Im planning on starting with my main point and elaborating into 3 main points with a counterpoint near the beginning so i can use my 3 points to refute it.

The Ending:
I want to spend the final paragraph talking about the future of gaming and how its reached global standing with the Wii and family games, and it will be EPIC!

Fixed it! :/

Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience:
my audience will be all members of society that use a computer or any type of technology on a daily basis. I want my audience to take my argument seriously and have them take into consideration how much technology is over used.

Presenting the Issue:
I’m presenting the issue in a personal context, i will use examples from every day life and also from research other have done.

Making Your Argument and Counterargument:
I will make my paper have a main point of my overall argument and then throughout the paper, probably in the middle body paragraph, I will present my counterargument and explain the opposing position. I will try not to talk too much about the counterargument because I do not want to persuade my audience the other way!

The Ending:
I will just rephrase my opening paragraph and restate all my main points in shorter context. I am thinking about concluding with a challenge because I have never done that before and I think it will make the paper more interesting.


Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience- my audience will be adults with younger children, and teens. I hope to have my audience consider my arguement seriously and agree that mass media effects the younger generations. I will use research to prove to my readers that I am informed, knowledgable, and fair.

Presenting the Issue- I will present the issue in a personal context. Yes, i will use examples from real life. Throughout the paper I will include research, and quoatations from various citations that I find.

Making Your Argument and Counterargument- I will arrange my paper so that each idea/ issue has its own paragraph. I will sequence them from what I believe is the largest problem with mass media to the smallest negative influence. By shoing statistics it will show part of the counterargument.  I will quote research and stress benefits and losses to the impact that media has on youngr generations.

The Ending- I will restate my thesis at the end of the paper. I could end my paper by looking to the future and suggesting what the impact of mass media could have on the younger generations.

Clarifying your purpose and audience

With this essay,I hope to convince others of my views on mass media or at least get them to see the negative side. Hopefully my years in journalism will serve as enough to make my opinion seem valid.

Presenting the issue,Argument and counterargument

I plan on presenting using hypothetical examples.with a personal context to avoid the “why does that matter?” idea.I will forecast my arguments early and sequence them throughout the essay.If I believe a counterargument is important,i’ll put that in the sequence as well.


I plan on the ending to reiterate the point I have tried to make.I also plan on trying to find common ground with the other side and presenting a challenge we could agree on.


I don’t usually outline in detail since I write so systematically with essays.If I do it’s usually A.Intro with thesis B. Point 1 C.Point 2 D.Point 3 (Optional E. with counterpoint if needed.) F.Ending with final funnel.




I think that I can argue the most on the topic;

  • Our society is increasingly dependent upon technology.  Is our dependence on computers and other technologies bad for our society? Are we becoming “disconnected” from each other as we become more connected to the Internet?
  • That is because I believe that we depend on technology way too much, in the old days, they did not have all the technology we have, and they managed to do fine without it.
  • I do believe I know enough about the topic.
  • I do believe that I will have an understanding message to the readers about how society depends on technology for everything.
  • I do believe that people think that this is an issue, and that people will relate to.

For my second essay I still do not have a solid thesis. However I will be basing my paper off of  TV commercials and advertisements. At this point I just have to narrow it down.

I know I will find a lot of reliable sources, because I have read various articles and studies on the matter.

It will be an interest to people because everybody watches commercials and they do effect us.

I have also made some advertisements and have studied a little bit about the issue.

“Our society is increasingly dependent upon technology.  Is our dependence on computers and other technologies bad for our society? Are we becoming “disconnected” from each other as we become more connected to the Internet?”

I feel like I do know a lot about this issue from self experience with technology. To be able to present it to the readers  I will have to be more confident with all the information I’ve read about and the new things people and studies have told me. I like this topic but i have to learn a little more about it and also review other peoples’ opinions and their thoughts and counterarguments on the topic as well.

I am going to write my paper on how our society is increasingly dependent on technology beacause i do NOT like computers. My life is way better without them and people seem to make thier world revolve around thier phones and facebook and video games and forget about the real natural beauty of the world

At the moment I don’t really know enough about the issue to just go and start writting about it, but there are ways that I can get the information and I know exactly where to find it. I understand the issue that I am going to write about very clearly and I could easily explain it to my readers or audience, even though its kind of broad I can make it a smaller topic or issue. This issue may matter to other people, I don’t know how much but it is an important issue considering the parents.

The issue I chose was: “Should drug testing be mandatory for people such as bus drivers, heavy equipment operators, and airplane pilots”. I feel that drug testing should be mandatory for any job that has many safety rules. If a person is taking drugs while on the job this could result in devastating action. People could be severely hurt, injured or killed. Especially airplanes and heavy duty equipment. This could not only hurt someone but also the company if something where to go wrong. Drugs are everywhere, many jobs should have drug testing. Do you want your kid on a school bus when the driver is on crack?

Topic: Our society is increasingly dependent upon technology.  Is our dependence on computers and other technologies bad for our society? Are we becoming “disconnected” from each other as we become more connected to the internet?

Testing your choice:

1. I feel like I know a good amount about my topic, but can research more.

2. I think i can start presenting my topic in a way readers will understand my point of view.

3. I would like to get others opinions on the issue so I can incorporate them into my paper.

4. I think that the issue does matter to other people, it is a very debated topic. If I present my position well enough others can also see the concern of the topic.

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