From writing essay #2 I think that I should use sources more frequently in essay #3. Essay #3 will be about a topic that I know a lot of general things about but I will need sources for the specifics. There is a lot of information out there about my topic and it can contribute to my paper.

The things that helped me in essay #2 were the sources and finding out what it took to find good information to add into your paper to make it better and more interesting. For essay #3 I plan on deeply researching on the web to find multiple sources about helping the world to become more “green” and be a better place. The author of No Impact Man will help me read more in depth about the problems the world is having due to technology and taking advantage of it.

I have learned to manage my time more wisely and do chunks of the paper at a time so my thoughts are spaced out and I have time to think about what I want to say in my paper. I also took advantage of the teacher and peer review comments which were very helpful in tying my paper together.

From Essay #2, I learned a couple things. First, I learned I procrastinate for the final draft. I plan to not do that this time around. Also, I learned I really value the peer review and teacher review, I like getting feedback from others so I can revise my paper better. Finally, I learned that I tend to forget a counterargument. I lacked one in my first draft and thankfully remembered to include one in my final. Hopefully, for this next essay, I will have learned from my mistakes and continue to improve my writing.

I learned from essay 2 that I have organizing problems. It is hard for me to place my topics in order because I get confused on what I am writing about. If I write about a certain topic I will just keep typing thinsg and not think of what order they are in because it makes since to me.

I essay 3 I will put key topics in order and then I will go from there to make the paper less confusing for the reader.

After writing essay number two I have learned how to be more organized in writing my outlines and rough drafts, which will make writing my final papers much much easier.

I learned the correct way to cite a book and the difference between citing a website to a book or magazine. I will use this because one of my sources is going to be of course the book. I also learned that if you start in the assignment as soon as it is assigned and it makes it easier to just come back the paper and keep adding ideas rather than just waiting until the last 2 or 3 days to start writing the paper.

Honesty, I learned that I am easily distracted. I also learned that it is hard for me to type about something that I am not very interested in, it seemed as if I couldn’t get what I was thinking onto the page.

I always say how much I love English and writing. My floor mates talk about how they can solve algebra problems in a flash but are confused about how I can sit down and write a essay draft in one or two sittings. This has been a good and bad thing. Good for first drafts when I need to get things done. Bad because that’s a easy hole to make mistakes with. I’m probably going to try to stretch out the writing period this time around. While I love my ability to just write, it’s not worth making mistakes over.

I learned to break up writing into hour long periods with breaks every hour, this way i can stay focused.  I also learned that research goes a long way with backing up your thoughts and is often necessary when proving a point, or trying to prove yourself to be credible.

I learned how to properly cite! I never understood citing in papers! I love the guide in our book and the online version because it helps me understand it a lot better.

I also learned that when using technology, you always need a back up in case something like having your computer gone for 2 weeks to be repaired happens. :/

I learned that you have to set aside a good amount of time to write because your paper will be better if you work on it more. I also learned how to use in text citations the right way and that a good title goes a long way. It makes people want to read more of your paper if you have a good title.

I learned to do a little more research before i start.  and pick my topic more carefully so i dont have to rewrite my draft 3 times!

I learned that i have a terrible habit of using commas where i should be ending my sentences, i had to go back and reread out-loud to find my outrageously long sentences and fix them and i intend to attack that problem with a similar strategy for essay number 3.

I learned how to take my time on revising and taking the time to make changes for the better of the paper and the advantages that it has in end.

I learned how to more efficiently revise my paper by printing it out and revising it rather than just on the computer. I also took advantage of the peer review and teacher review comments.

To help out the environment, I heard some very good solutions from the class and from reading the book “No Impact Man.” The idea of using reusable bags instead of paper and plastic bags for shopping is a solution I highly support. Reducing paper waste on campus by using reusable coffee cups and plates is also a cleaver idea. The option of buying locally is another smart solution to reduce carbon emissions. These are very creative concepts and are subjects I am considering writing my 3rd essay about.

For Essay #3, my possible solution for the littering problem in America is to get rid of plastic bags all together. These bags are always floating around and being a nuisance to all. My solution is to make it mandatory for reusable bags to be used in place of the plastic bags.

Thesis Statement: Mass media can have profound effects on all young minds and consequently target a younger demographic. Ad and television campaigns in America are detrimental to our youth’s grasp on reality and the practicality of financial burden on the country because of the ad’s desirable tactics.

New technology has connected the world politically, socially, and economically,  society should embrace the new technology and take advantage of it.

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