i thought the first video was extremely eye opening.  I knew that the photos were touched up but i didnt think the changes were so dramatic.  The second video hilarious.  Specially after watching the first one so you knew what it was about.

I think the podcast was scary to me because it shows how easy everyone can be manipulated by the media and higher powers. Even if you’re not paying attention you’re brain still picks up the message which is the scariest part. Its also crazy how girls can be manipulated by beauty ads so easily. Its weird that they think they have to hold themselves to those unrealistic standards.

The media portrays the way; us as humans see the image of people. Most magazines with models in them are not real. Hours upon hours spent changing the way a person looks in photoshop is what many companies have been doing to sell their products. These editors change so much of the natural look and totally erase the woman or man who was taken in the photograph. Many of these magazines are only focusing on women and their body. You will find some images of girls with their head cropped off. These companies manipulate some of the most beautiful people in the world to think that they are they are not excepted into society. I feel that it is an interesting topic to look upon to really understand how the media gets in our minds.


While watching the video from dove I was reminded about how much touch ups were done to make advertisements. Coming from a girl who has dealt with a lot of self esteem issue, I think this is a very important issue. This video would be a great thing for girls all over to see and help them realize the beauty that they see on magazines and adds are just not a reality.

I thought that the first video shocked me, to see how fake people really are. The girls on the ads look so amazing, and most girls want to be like them but thats impossible because they are FAKE!!!!!

Then the podcast to be honest bored me, without video I can’t stay entertained.

It was really interesting to me to see how much the models bodies in advertisements are altered to make us think they are something that they aren’t. It’s weird how little something can be but how much it takes to make it. Many products are sold today by the image that is portrayed which is usually a nice looking model.. little do we know that those models don’t actually look like that. It gives younger girls (mainly) false hope to desire to be something that isn’t even real.

I was pretty freaked out by the first dove commercial. I have always been aware that models are sometimes pretty processed. That was just ridiculous. I can’t imagine what people must think if that is what true beauty is.

Its strange to think about how these ads we watch everyday affect us, ive never really watched an ad and decided from that ad to buy the product but it makes me wonder how it changes my perspective on other things.

I watched the No Impact Man documentary. I enjoyed it, because it gave you a better idea of who Collin Beavan was. In my opinion, I think after reading a book, if there is a movie, you should see the movie. It will give you a better understanding of the book. It made me understand the book a little better, and it showed me more of Collin’s personal life and more of his views on the project.

I went to the union to pick up trash, then went to Ols Camp and I noticed that no one really recycles. Even when the resources are right there for them, people abuse them. I also noticed that the plastic recycling bins are right beside the trash cans, and people are still throwing their plastic bottles in the garbage. Like really people?? Are you that stinky lazy?

In the reading there were a lot of good information that helped me with revising my paper. I found page 375 helpful because it helps you with some of the problems that you run into. It helps you with a counter-argument, readable plan, well-argued solution, and well-defined problem. I found it very helpful.

The reading assignment had many great and simple ways to revise my draft, on page 375 there was an easy to read troubleshooting guide that took you through all the steps of an effective essay, and if you think your have issues in a specific area it tells you how to improve it. There was also a lot of simple mistake fixes that i have already found inside my piece, like the ambiguous use of This and That. This reading will diffidently help me improve my paper for its final draft.

When reading what might be a problem that can be fixed with revision, something stuck out to me. “Readers list counter arguements that you didn’t discuss. One idea was that you can admit that both deserve serious consideration. Another idea was that to show why the soloutions might be common but yours is better. Another idea was the idea of proving the reader that their is a problem. The book offers the use of statistics which I will be doing. I also thought the graphs were cool but I don’t see myself using them at this time.

Yesterday, in the rain, I stopped by the trash audit. I was walking with a friend from my biology lecture. I quickly took out my note pad and wrote down some details.

*There was a lot of plastic bottles. One very large bag that was about half the size of a desk.

*There was a fewer amounts of cardboard then I expected but plenty of cans

The worst of all…their was a reusable thermus and reusable powerade bottle(Think of the ones athletes use during games).

I looked over at my friend and said “This is abosloutly sad.”

While I only stopped for a couple of minutes and got a good whiff of the trash, I did learn something.

We can’t be wasteful. I get “out of sight,out of mind” but we have to remember that nothing disappears. Everything that goes into a bin ends up somewhere. I hope the students that saw this understood the message

The documentary was interesting, I enjoyed seeing the way he tried to deal with all of his problems rather than reading it in the book. For example the two pots with sand and water which he tried to use as a fridge. The fridge failed and you could see in the way he acted that it was very heartbreaking to him when his efforts failed. I also was surprised to see that when Colin went to visit schools, college students and even young children seemed very engaged in his conversation. From my personal experience I can say that if he visited my previous schools the majority of people would not be engaged with him.

So, last night I went to the showing of the No Impact Man Documentary. I have not seen it before since I only read the book. I could not stay for the whole time or for the panel discussion afterwards, but I was there for the majority of the movie. The documentary was exactly like the book. I liked the documentary better though because you got see not only Colin’s point of view but also his wife’s, which was quite comical. I would recommend this documentary for you to watch instead of reading the book in entirety.

So I was reading chapter 5 and got the idea of making a summary slide of the “family footprint” idea since that goes with my slide. I’ll probably throw in a couple of the statistics about air travel as well-Greg

Essay 2 helped me better understand how to use academic  sources for support of your paper. I became more skilled at citing sources and making a works cited page. I will be using this in my next essay because we will also need at least 3 sources again.

What i learned in essay number 2 is that when citing in the text with an author you should also put the page number where you found the information. I also learned how to support my ideas more effectively and write more fluently. I think I find that with each essay my writing is continuously improving.

While writing essay number two, I learned a few things about writing and my writing styles. I first learned how to do mla format, or at least refreshed myself on it. Which is very beneficial because we use MLA format for a lot of writing in college. Also i learned that for me its hard to get right into my essay and it takes me a while to get the feel for what I want to write about, but once I get it I can write a lot in a very short period of time.  This can hurt me because sometimes I wait until the last minute to get started, but it also can help me because i can write a lot in a short period of times once i get it.

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