I was very interested in the last couple pages, mainly the lasy page because sometimes its always hard to argue a position. It can be many sides to just one arguement whether you think you r right or wrong. There will always be someone elses opinion. Personlly I think thats where all the problems come in at.

Issue- Should college athletes be allowed to accept rewards. Which is currently a major issue in the NCAA right now.

Controversial- Every few weeks u see athletes in institutions being punished, some people are for it some people are against it.

Issues – Restriction of the Internet, Prices of art supplies and software programs.

Controversial – Both are pretty controversial but the Restrictions of the internet is harder to argue against because of the legal aspect of it, Art students have to pay almost twice as much as the average student does because they have to pay for not only books but Art supplies and software.

Arguable – From a business perspective roping in prospective art students then making them pay so much and the university offers so little its almost like they have a hidden deal with art supply stores, though most teachers try to make it easier on the students its still difficult.

im inbetween these two and i was wondering if it was able to focus on the university or maybe start there and branch out later.


For the Argument Essay we have been assigned I plan to write about the policy of checking in to our dorms after midnight.

Controversial: People agree with this policy because of the safety issue, yet others would disagree because of the fact that we are adults now and do not need to be babysat.

Arguable: People can’t prove if one is right or the other.

Everyone knows about this policy if they’ve come back to the dorms after midnight.

This topic is meaningful to me because I feel it is a hassle and unnecessary to have to check in after midnight.


My argument topic is going to be about gay rights.

Controversial- This topic is very obvious why it’s controversial. Everyone doesn’t believe in gay rights. Also, some people are very passionate against gay rights.

Arguable- It is very arguable because there are a lot of different points and views that people have on gay rights.

I know a lot about gay rights already because one of my best friends is gay, so I hear a lot of different kind of points and views on it from her. I’m defiantly willing to learn more about it.

There are so many ways to research gay rights, it’s everywhere.

I care about gay rights because, like i said before, one of my friends is a lesbian and it isn’t fair that she doesn’t get the same rights as everyone else.

My argument is whether or not dating should be allowed in certain on campus programs. The PLA program ( President’s Leadership Academy) veers their members away from dating within  their cohort.

Controversial- Why should this organization be able to tell you who you can and cannot date.

Arguable- There are no laws preventing love or telling you the boundaries only morals… except marriage laws

Reasearch- through people in this program

After reading this page, it made me coming up with an argument so much easier. It was very helpful. 🙂

I decided to write my essay on the rules and the cost of parking. I’m going to show them that not only is the cost for parking ridiculous, but the rules make it even more annoying and unfair.

This topic is controversial because there are many people out there who find the payment and the rules completely necessary.

My topic is arguable because there are two sides to the opinion and it doesn’t deal with morality or values, its just your opinion.

I not only know about the topic, but it has already affected me and annoyed me, so I have fresh feelings to put into my essay.

Along with those feelings I care enough about the topic to make a passionate and well argued essay.

I am going to argue smoking cigarettes should be made illegal. I strongly believe in this topic because thousands of people are killed as a result of smoking cigarettes every year. I care about this issue and think i will be able to find sufficient research on the topic. It is also controversial because many people believe they should be able to exercise their free-will.

My tentative argumentative topic is looking somewhere along the lines of: Are stereotypes real? And if so, is one’s category the only trait(s) they posses?/When do stereotypes go from undoubtedly true, to offensive?

Controversy:  Some believe stereotypes are in fact false altogether. While others believe there is no one person whom is not included in a stereotype.

Opposing Argument: I believe stereotypes are in fact real, but are not the only aspect of a person. One could argue that stereotypes are nonexistent, OR are real but someone can only be a part of one.

I have rolled this egg of thought through my mind many times, and am fully prepared to write my little heart out.

Sources may be hard to find, but I am certainly up for the challenge. (articles, opinion pages, etc.)

I feel as if identity is a colossal chunk of society today, and definitely an issue worth researching about. It fascinates me how the majority of persons are so fixated on figuring themselves out, instead of the world around them.


After reading the essay “Children Need to Play, Not Compete” it reminded me a lot of my childhood and how I used to love going to practice but hated playing in the actual game. I was always afraid I was going to mess up and my coach would yell at me and embarrass me in front of my fellow team mates and also my parents. I didn’t want to let anyone down in the game by missing a goal, basket, hit, etc.
This article also reminding me of my brother. In his first week of football practices as a freshman in high school, he tore his hamstring. He let it heal, than began to practice again. When he started practicing the day he was cleared for his hamstring, he landed wrong in a play and his knee cap slid out of place. He’s a tough kid and didn’t complain but this situation really opened my eyes to see how coaches really can push their athletes too far.
Almost every child that plays a sport grows up with the pressure to do right and not fail. It’s a lot of weight to carry on such little shoulders at such a young age. It’s hard to tell whether the child can handle the pressure or be scarred for the rest of their lives.

It’s probably not all that amazing but I needed an some fancy adjective.I plan on arguing on why music from theatre(or showtunes if you are so inclined) are,quite possibly,one of the best genre’s of music.

Conroverisal:I know that most people don’t think of broadway  when thinking of  music and that’s what makes it contraversial.

Arguable:Music is subjective so anyone can argue against me.

I already know a good amoount of showtunes(yes I did learn about them through “Glee”) but I’m always willing to learn more.

I know plenty of sources of where I can get more information if need be.

I care about all types of music.It just so happens that this is one genre that I can actually argue for and expect to get another opinion.It would be difficult to argue that Pop is the best genre when so many people like it.

I think it ridiculous that adults push their kids, and players to a limit they can not handle. I think that the adults are trying to live their dreams through their children, which is wrong. It is wrong because their child may not want to even be apart of the sports program. Kids should be kids, let them have fun because being forced to do something is NEVER fun! 🙂

The essays were very interesting to read. I never thought of the various sports teams that have native american names offended people. I can definitely see the persons point of view. The other essay about kids and sports is a sad reality and should be stopped.

The first readings seemed to be a lot of common sense knowledge.  Things like where and how to study.  I am sure that will be more challenging in future readings becuase I think that it was more of an introduction.

I really enjoyed the readings along with the rest of the readings for the rest of my classes!

I really enjoyed reading these articles. The different view points were very insightful and interesting.

The readings were very interesting. I recieved a lot of new information from the readings and also some information that refreshed my memory.

I liked the readings because I enjoy writing.

I really enjoyed reading and learning about blags in “A writers resource”. I’m super excited to start using my first blog, it should be a good time.

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