At BGSU we should be allowed the option to room co-ed in the dorms.

BGSU should implement more bicyclist-friendly features to the campus.

Sports, honor programs, and study groups are all important on a college campus, while other groups that are equally important get pushed aside, like the LGBT club at BGSU.

The parking cost and regulations for students is unfair.

The university needs to come with a method that is both good for the environment and also friendly to those who are technologically illiterate.

Musical theatre is on the decline in popularity but shouldn’t be because of it’s history,themes and ways of performance.


Art supplies are too expensive for College students to pay for.

More vegetarian options on campus would promote a healthy lifestyle to college students.

Issue: BGSU shuttle system. I feel that students should be offered more places to go off campus by the

I would like to write about how teachers give too much homework assignments and expects us to know it all by the time of the next class. Teachers give too many reading assignments, and they expect us to know it all, but they do not realize that we all have other classes as well

This is applies to page 295 because this is a arguable statement. Most people see the one side of the argument and believe that side and that side only. I want to show and persuade people that there are two sides to this argument. I want to show the teachers as well that this may be too much on the students, too much pressure.



issue: BGSU’s going green system. How green do they really have to be where they can’t even mail me a simple bill in the mail because they don’t want to waste paper. Some people Dont know how to bill online or are not set up to bill online. It is good that they recycle but they taking this going green issue to the extreme.

counter argument: It makes it easier to pay bills without mailing. Everything is done online now and they expect us to just know how.

My final argumentative topic is turning out to be: Why are school required text books so expensive?

Controversy:  Some believe stereotypes are in fact false altogether. While others believe there is no one person whom is not included in a stereotype.

Opposing Argument: I believe stereotypes are in fact real, but are not the only aspect of a person. One could argue that stereotypes are nonexistent, OR are real but someone can only be a part of one.

I have rolled this egg of thought through my mind many times, and am fully prepared to write my little heart out.

Sources may be hard to find, but I am certainly up for the challenge. (articles, opinion pages, etc.)

I feel as if identity is a colossal chunk of society today, and definitely an issue worth researching about. It fascinates me how the majority of persons are so fixated on figuring themselves out, instead of the world around them.


The base of my essay will be about if dorm students should have cars or not to drive around campus. I believe it effects the campus a lot because of the crazy traffic and all the parking lots or more like not enough places to park.

Controversial- many dorm students want cars for various reasons and commuters want more room to park

Argument- my argument is that dorm students shouldn’t have cars or at least to a certain age, because a lot of parking lots are available for them and there are more residential lots then commuter lots.

This policy is important to me because I am a commuter student and there are not a lot of places to park and I am learning more about the travel policy at BGSU.


Many Universities and colleges make students take foreign languages if they have not already had it in High school. I feel this is not a necessary class for everyones major. Why is it important to take a foreign language when you field of study does not need it. While some students struggle even writing english papers what makes them think they can understand another language. Taking a foreign language can take up a class space during the semester which makes your time in school longer.


The other side can say, It can make you more fluent with other cultures or the way you think.

It can help you get into a better workplace or a higher position.


I feel that the whole language policy is a waste of time and the students money.

My topic is going to be about bike accessibility on campus. The campus is bike friendly, but the system could be improved upon greatly. Some colleges have programs that make biking around campus ideal. I think that foot traffic greatly interferes with bicyclists. I think biking is an efficient way to get around campus and  it should be supported fully.

A topic I am considering is becoming a smoke free campus, or having designated aread for smoking, not all around the campus.

Controverial: There are many people who walk around campus smoking, and its gross! Most people do not want to smoke to be around them all the time or at all! It can cause harm to anyone around

for this essay I want to write about Study Tables for athletes. Every athletic team has a certain amount of required hours that have to be spent in study tables per week depending on grade and class.

argument: I do not think that students should be forced to study tables. Students should be responsible enough to do homework and studying on there own time. Athletes have a lot going on in one week and having to sit 8 hrs a week in tables when you don’t always have homework can be a waste of time.

Controversial: It can keep athletes from becoming ineligible. They can also can get 1 on 1 tutoring at this time on a specific topic.

For my essay I plan on writing about the issues with freshman having to park so far away from their dorm rooms and not being able to park close to campus. Lot 12 is a far walk from any living area and when students are in a rush, it doesn’t seem right that they don’t have immediate access to their cars like many other students do.

Issue: BGSU shuttle system. I feel that students should be offered more places to go off campus by the BGSU shuttle systems. There is already a movement started encouraging the addition of more “regional freedom”, called TARTA. The shuttles would take students to places across Lucas and Wood County areas.

Controversial: Some issues with this are, money, liabilities, deciding where necessary places to go are and why, and the over all importance of the new shuttle places combined with how many students would actually take advantage of it.


Issues: Animal rights, the environment and how we’re killing it, how stupid celebrity magazines and websites are.

Controversial: There are so many vegans vs meat eater debates! No one wants to give it up even though its bad for everyone, especially the animals.

Many people deny that we are killing the environment even though the facts are everywhere!

I don’t know how controversial this is, but I mean we do really need to find something else to do with our time, money, and resources other than caring about other people’s lives.

Arguable: All of these topics are arguable. There are people on both sides for and against them.

I know a lot about Animal rights, because I’m a vegetarian myself. I’ve researched it a lot. Now, that I’ve read No Impact Man, I definitely believe in problems with our environment in the near future. I used to obsess about celebrities at one point until I realized how stupid it was! So, I can tell from experience in my argument.


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