I am happy with my thesis. I did like when someone said they were writing about how on campus people shouldnt have cars. i might tie that into mine.

Sports, honor programs, study groups are all important on a college campus. Other groups often get pushed aside, like the LGBT group at BGSU.

I didn’t complete  my thesis statement yet but I think I’m going to go with what I have in mind for my thesis.

Musical theatre is on the decline even though musical theatre has history,themes and vary in performance styles.

I am happy with my thesis.

When Students choose their field of study and what college they want to attend to, they don’t realize some of the universities requirements. Many Universities require at least 2 credit hour’s of a foreign language. Students that have not read into this issue have found that they already have taken language classes in there previous education. Many different careers do not require a person to speak a foreign language but could help you get a higher position in that field. Learning a new language could be hard for some people especially when they are not fluent enough in their own language. Taking a foreign language when your field of study does not require it can take up more time in your class schedule. This free time could have valuable learning curves for the student that does not take a foreign language. With this time they can take another class or finish college faster to start their career. Many students do not realize that they have to take this class which could affect their field of study.

Are your reasons assumptions or facts?

Have you stated a counterargument and refuted it?

Don’t be afraid to change your thesis statement if you need to!!

Refer back to your thesis statement as you write, and aks yourself:  do my points support my thesis?  am I still on topic?

Freshmen residential students at BGSU should not be allowed to have cars.

 What is love, do teenagers actually know what they want, most likely no. College is a time in most peoples live where we have experiences, whether they are good or bad depends on what we learn from these experiences, and if it changes who we are today. But how can we learn if we are not making decisions for ourselves. One group on the BGSU campus, the PLA (President’s Leaders Academy) believes you shouldnt be allowed to date people in the same cohort as you. Who are they to decide who you can and cannot date.

Smoking cigarettes on the Bowling Green campus is detrimental to every students health regardless if they are the smoker or not and should not be allowed to smoke on campus.

Although there are a lot of students who drive while staying on campus, there should still be more places to park since there is a lack of space, convenience and free parking.

BGSU offers students the option of using campus shuttles as a means of transportation around campus, but what about the option of using those shuttles to transport students to different locations around the surrounding areas? Shuttles should give students the option of being transported to close surrounding areas, such as Toledo.

I don’t really have a tentatice thesis since I just started my paper over, but I can write how I believe its going to go.

Have you ever thought why do they lock the side doors on the building after a certain time? I mean what if there was an emergency….Yes, checking in can be a good thing but why do we have to walk all the way around to the other side of the building?

Students are being forced to do too much homework in such little time.

Required college text books should not exceed the price of 100 dollars, because many have trouble affording a well needed education.

Requiring study tables for students can be helpful but it can also be harmful to students.

i didnt develop a thesis yet because i usually write/change my thesis after im done with the entire writing.

However my thesis could possibly be : Collegiate student athletes should have the right to accept rewards while attending college without penalties from the NCAA and or the University.

Offering air conditioning in some dorms and not in the other is an unfair to those students who are not lucky enough to have it.

The LSAT should not be required for admission to law schools because it is a poor predicxtor of success for law students and lawyers, and it serves as nothing more than a gatekeeping device to discourage reasonable candidates from applying to law school and pursuing a legal career.

The policy at BGSU dorms of the mandatory check in of students after midnight is unnecessary due to the fact of students being adults, it is not effective, and is inconvenient for the staff.

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