
BGSU should allow students to room together co-ed in the dorms in order to maintain the comfort and community life of all different types of students’.

I am happy with my thesis.

When Students choose their field of study and what college they want to attend to, they don’t realize some of the universities requirements. Many Universities require at least 2 credit hour’s of a foreign language. Students that have not read into this issue have found that they already have taken language classes in there previous […]

Students are being forced to do too much homework in such little time.

The university needs to come with a method that is both good for the environment and also friendly to those who are technologically illiterate.

I would like to write about how teachers give too much homework assignments and expects us to know it all by the time of the next class. Teachers give too many reading assignments, and they expect us to know it all, but they do not realize that we all have other classes as well This […]

issue: BGSU’s going green system. How green do they really have to be where they can’t even mail me a simple bill in the mail because they don’t want to waste paper. Some people Dont know how to bill online or are not set up to bill online. It is good that they recycle but […]

My final argumentative topic is turning out to be: Why are school required text books so expensive? Controversy:  Some believe stereotypes are in fact false altogether. While others believe there is no one person whom is not included in a stereotype. Opposing Argument: I believe stereotypes are in fact real, but are not the only […]

I was very interested in the last couple pages, mainly the lasy page because sometimes its always hard to argue a position. It can be many sides to just one arguement whether you think you r right or wrong. There will always be someone elses opinion. Personlly I think thats where all the problems come […]

After reading this page, it made me coming up with an argument so much easier. It was very helpful. 🙂

I think it ridiculous that adults push their kids, and players to a limit they can not handle. I think that the adults are trying to live their dreams through their children, which is wrong. It is wrong because their child may not want to even be apart of the sports program. Kids should be […]

The essays were very interesting to read. I never thought of the various sports teams that have native american names offended people. I can definitely see the persons point of view. The other essay about kids and sports is a sad reality and should be stopped.

The first readings seemed to be a lot of common sense knowledge.  Things like where and how to study.  I am sure that will be more challenging in future readings becuase I think that it was more of an introduction.

I really enjoyed the readings along with the rest of the readings for the rest of my classes!

I really enjoyed reading these articles. The different view points were very insightful and interesting.

The readings were very interesting. I recieved a lot of new information from the readings and also some information that refreshed my memory.

I liked the readings because I enjoy writing.

I really enjoyed reading and learning about blags in “A writers resource”. I’m super excited to start using my first blog, it should be a good time.

I enjoyed reading the articles about the sports teams because it kept my attention.

These readings showed a different side to arguing and how to do it the right way. Overall it was interesting.

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