
The increase in technology shows that our society is growing and progressing.

As we go into a newer generation, we are becoming more dependent on technology. It’s becoming a necessity in life to know how to use all these new inventions. Younger children know how to operate more technologies than their parents.

People should rely less on technonlogy because they are missing out on the natural beauty of the world because they surounf themselves with computers and phones and forget to look up from thier screens and see whats right in front of thier eyes.

Throughout the years the ways of a culture changes and civilization adapts accordingly to better the society as a whole, technology and the use of the internet is just one of those cultural changes.

Today’s media and advertisements are sending the wrong message to the youth of the nation, and therefore should be filtered. Revised: Today’s media and advertisements are sending a mass of inappropriate and unnecessary messages to the youth of the nation; and therefore should be filtered.

Technology is more than just cell phones, computers, and stereo systems. That’s what I think most people see or pay attention, but do people realize that technology is used within hospitals, doctor’s offices, and even schools all the way from elementary to college courses.

After reading the sections, I have a better understanding of how to organize my paper. I can now question my topic better and create more counter arguments. I will reefer back to these pages when I go to make my outline.

In reading this section in the St.Martin’s Guide to Reading book, I learned how to have a better plan going into writing a draft/paper. It also helped me working with arguments and counterarguments, which was a problem area for me on my last paper. The portion on outlining things was a review for me, but […]

I think that I can argue the most on the topic; Our society is increasingly dependent upon technology.  Is our dependence on computers and other technologies bad for our society? Are we becoming “disconnected” from each other as we become more connected to the Internet? That is because I believe that we depend on technology […]

I am going to write my paper on how our society is increasingly dependent on technology beacause i do NOT like computers. My life is way better without them and people seem to make thier world revolve around thier phones and facebook and video games and forget about the real natural beauty of the world

Topic: Our society is increasingly dependent upon technology.  Is our dependence on computers and other technologies bad for our society? Are we becoming “disconnected” from each other as we become more connected to the internet? Testing your choice: 1. I feel like I know a good amount about my topic, but can research more. 2. […]

My topic will be society’s dependence on technology, technology in the classroom, etc.

I am honestly just confused. I can’t even find my options to pick from on this thing…

I think peer review is a beneficial process for everyone involved. You can help your peers create a better paper, and you can get a better idea of where you are at with your own paper. Compliments can be reinforcing, and critiques can create a better paper.

I liked the pure review a lot. It helped me see how other people write and their techniques and styles of writing. This could potentially help me with my writing. It also helps everyone out with writing a better paper.

I liked peer editing because it gives you a different perspective about different situations and it gives you a chance to see how other people write and can give you tips on how you can improve your writing.

I enjoyed doing the peer review because its nice to see what others are writing about. Its interesting to see where people stand on different topics. Also I like being able to get feedback on my essay from someone my age and in the same situation I’m in.

I liked reading others’ papers and seeing how they went about stating their arguments. Also, I liked receiving my peer’s feedback on my paper. 🙂

I like it, because I get other views on the paper. I also can get different views from the other students, and what they think about the issue.

I liked the peer review! Its good to have more than one person, tell you about your paper that you worked so hard on.

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