
I thought that the first video shocked me, to see how fake people really are. The girls on the ads look so amazing, and most girls want to be like them but thats impossible because they are FAKE!!!!! Then the podcast to be honest bored me, without video I can’t stay entertained.

It was really interesting to me to see how much the models bodies in advertisements are altered to make us think they are something that they aren’t. It’s weird how little something can be but how much it takes to make it. Many products are sold today by the image that is portrayed which is usually a nice looking […]

I was pretty freaked out by the first dove commercial. I have always been aware that models are sometimes pretty processed. That was just ridiculous. I can’t imagine what people must think if that is what true beauty is.

Its strange to think about how these ads we watch everyday affect us, ive never really watched an ad and decided from that ad to buy the product but it makes me wonder how it changes my perspective on other things.

I watched the No Impact Man documentary. I enjoyed it, because it gave you a better idea of who Collin Beavan was. In my opinion, I think after reading a book, if there is a movie, you should see the movie. It will give you a better understanding of the book. It made me understand […]

When reading what might be a problem that can be fixed with revision, something stuck out to me. “Readers list counter arguements that you didn’t discuss. One idea was that you can admit that both deserve serious consideration. Another idea was that to show why the soloutions might be common but yours is better. Another […]

Yesterday, in the rain, I stopped by the trash audit. I was walking with a friend from my biology lecture. I quickly took out my note pad and wrote down some details. *There was a lot of plastic bottles. One very large bag that was about half the size of a desk. *There was a […]

The documentary was interesting, I enjoyed seeing the way he tried to deal with all of his problems rather than reading it in the book. For example the two pots with sand and water which he tried to use as a fridge. The fridge failed and you could see in the way he acted that […]

So I was reading chapter 5 and got the idea of making a summary slide of the “family footprint” idea since that goes with my slide. I’ll probably throw in a couple of the statistics about air travel as well-Greg

From writing essay #2 I think that I should use sources more frequently in essay #3. Essay #3 will be about a topic that I know a lot of general things about but I will need sources for the specifics. There is a lot of information out there about my topic and it can contribute […]

The things that helped me in essay #2 were the sources and finding out what it took to find good information to add into your paper to make it better and more interesting. For essay #3 I plan on deeply researching on the web to find multiple sources about helping the world to become more […]

From Essay #2, I learned a couple things. First, I learned I procrastinate for the final draft. I plan to not do that this time around. Also, I learned I really value the peer review and teacher review, I like getting feedback from others so I can revise my paper better. Finally, I learned that […]

I learned the correct way to cite a book and the difference between citing a website to a book or magazine. I will use this because one of my sources is going to be of course the book. I also learned that if you start in the assignment as soon as it is assigned and […]

Honesty, I learned that I am easily distracted. I also learned that it is hard for me to type about something that I am not very interested in, it seemed as if I couldn’t get what I was thinking onto the page.

I learned that you have to set aside a good amount of time to write because your paper will be better if you work on it more. I also learned how to use in text citations the right way and that a good title goes a long way. It makes people want to read more […]

I learned to do a little more research before i start.  and pick my topic more carefully so i dont have to rewrite my draft 3 times!

Thesis Statement: Mass media can have profound effects on all young minds and consequently target a younger demographic. Ad and television campaigns in America are detrimental to our youth’s grasp on reality and the practicality of financial burden on the country because of the ad’s desirable tactics.

Young people are being exposed to the media more than ever before, so I believe that alcoholic companies are soliciting their products to them.

Society uses technology in their everyday lives, and they are dependent on it more then they should.

Technology can be something great when used in the right way but our dependency on it is not and has the potential for disaster.

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