Essay #2

Essay 2 helped me better understand how to use academic  sources for support of your paper. I became more skilled at citing sources and making a works cited page. I will be using this in my next essay because we will also need at least 3 sources again.

What i learned in essay number 2 is that when citing in the text with an author you should also put the page number where you found the information. I also learned how to support my ideas more effectively and write more fluently. I think I find that with each essay my writing is continuously […]

While writing essay number two, I learned a few things about writing and my writing styles. I first learned how to do mla format, or at least refreshed myself on it. Which is very beneficial because we use MLA format for a lot of writing in college. Also i learned that for me its hard […]

I have learned to manage my time more wisely and do chunks of the paper at a time so my thoughts are spaced out and I have time to think about what I want to say in my paper. I also took advantage of the teacher and peer review comments which were very helpful in […]

After writing essay number two I have learned how to be more organized in writing my outlines and rough drafts, which will make writing my final papers much much easier.

I always say how much I love English and writing. My floor mates talk about how they can solve algebra problems in a flash but are confused about how I can sit down and write a essay draft in one or two sittings. This has been a good and bad thing. Good for first drafts […]

I learned to break up writing into hour long periods with breaks every hour, this way i can stay focused.  I also learned that research goes a long way with backing up your thoughts and is often necessary when proving a point, or trying to prove yourself to be credible.

I learned how to properly cite! I never understood citing in papers! I love the guide in our book and the online version because it helps me understand it a lot better. I also learned that when using technology, you always need a back up in case something like having your computer gone for 2 […]

I learned that i have a terrible habit of using commas where i should be ending my sentences, i had to go back and reread out-loud to find my outrageously long sentences and fix them and i intend to attack that problem with a similar strategy for essay number 3.

I learned how to take my time on revising and taking the time to make changes for the better of the paper and the advantages that it has in end.

I learned how to more efficiently revise my paper by printing it out and revising it rather than just on the computer. I also took advantage of the peer review and teacher review comments.

New technology has connected the world politically, socially, and economically,  society should embrace the new technology and take advantage of it.

In todays gaming world, children and young teens are desensitized to violence in video games; and percentages will not decrease.  

In today’s world, mass media glamorizes women negatively  through advertisements, movies, television, and magazines, creating an large impact on female teenagers.

Video Games are not the first form of entertainment to include terrifying acts of violence.  

Technology is not perfect, but it has changed our lives in a drastically positive way.

As technology progresses through time the more opportunities their are for jobs, socializing, and up to date news around the world.  

Although there are strong believers that protest against the use of technology it seems to be quite clear that technology connects people worldwide and does almost everything but separate us from the real world when used correctly.  

Society’s increasing dependence on technology is appalling because it disconnects people from the real world, the lack of reliability, and the increased laziness it causes.

The younger generation is effected negatively by the amount of media exposure,the types they use and how they respond.