It’s probably not all that amazing but I needed an some fancy adjective.I plan on arguing on why music from theatre(or showtunes if you are so inclined) are,quite possibly,one of the best genre’s of music.

Conroverisal:I know that most people don’t think of broadway  when thinking of  music and that’s what makes it contraversial.

Arguable:Music is subjective so anyone can argue against me.

I already know a good amoount of showtunes(yes I did learn about them through “Glee”) but I’m always willing to learn more.

I know plenty of sources of where I can get more information if need be.

I care about all types of music.It just so happens that this is one genre that I can actually argue for and expect to get another opinion.It would be difficult to argue that Pop is the best genre when so many people like it.