Friday, November 4th, 2011

There are millions of tobacco users in the world and have been around for many years; in which some of these smokers have been brought in by some of the advertisements because the image, and how it persuaded the viewer into starting to use the products.

With this ad a small puppy takes the place of a perfume bottle, acting as if it is spraying the model with perfume. This adorable creature is taking the place of a non living object, depicting the image of how harmful animal testing can be.

This Nike Ad depicts a timeless beauty (Marilyn Monroe) and a women who is not afraid of being herself. Nike uses this to invoke confidence and a sense of self pride in women in general.

My ad is of a woman wrapped up in a package with the caption “Human Meat.” This ad portrays the horror of being killed for consumption like animals through an actual person.

The World Wildlife Federation photo inspires people to be more careful with what fishing companies they buy from. Some fishing companies are careless and sweep up many helpless endangered animals with the fish they are trying to catch.