November 2011

I think the best way to become a better writer is to practice. This class has helped me to practice writing a variety of papers and improve my writing. One of the best parts of the class is having feedback on my writing whether it is from Mrs.Schaffer or a peer. Hearing someone’s opinion is […]

From taking this class the thing I appreciate learning about the most is creating a counter argument. In high school I understood the structure of a basic paper but somehow my teachers left out the part about a counter argument. So I am very glad that I learned this. I noticed that my introductions improved a lot […]

When I first started this class I did not think I was a very good writer. Although I haven’t passed many papers, I truly believe I have made a great improvement since I started this class. I can now write a paper pretty much arguing anything and I know how to address a counterargument. Not […]

Well, it all started when I was a kid. I always used to get A’s in english class. Someone told me an A in english was for girls, and now I can barely pass a paper. I learned a lot from this semester because I could not pass a paper. After awhile I started to […]

I learned a lot about writing while in this class. I learned that it is very important to address a specific audience that you are writing to. Also before this class i did not know how different argument papers were from other papers i have done. I did not know anything about a counter argument […]

When I first started this class I focused mostly on the restrictions of writing and the rules of essays. Now I understand that there is more leniency and options, as well as different ways to organize and write papers. I have learned how to write better thesis statements and use facts and examples to support […]

I have learned that doing a paper the night before is never good for my writing. I have the feeling of being rushed, and I do not do as well as I should. I do believe that my writing has improved over the time of the course, but I know I am not a scholar […]

After going through this class I definitely believe that I have become a better writer, but still have room for improvement. I am more comfortable with the use of commas and semicolons, and feel that I am now able to distinguish the difference. I have also learned how to organize my papers in a more […]

When I first began GSW, I thought that I was a good writer. I believed that I could write almost anything and that I knew what I was doing. I wouldn’t say I was over-confident, but I was really thought I knew what I was doing. Little did I know that my wit and what […]

When I first started this class I used to just write essays in about 3 hours to get them over with last minute. I also thought I was a pretty decent writer since I had such an amazing teacher in high school but I have had to change a lot of my writing skills for […]

learning how to use effective counter arguments and how they strengthen your paper and your support. I am much better at developing a thesis and using that thesis to guide myself through my paper.

At the beginning of the year i had a lot of issues finding problems in my essay and correctly fixing them. This semester i learned a lot about revision and how to budget my time so that im not rushing to write essays the night before. It was interesting to focus on audience because ive […]

My least favorite pizza place is Carillon Place. Carillon’s pizza is extremely unhealthy and usually coated with grease. The crust is battered with butter and has a layer of parmesan cheese sprinkled over it adding to grease and fat. Not only is the pizza unhealthy and salty but the underside of every slice I have […]

My favorite pizza place is Pizza Papalis that is in downtown Toledo. I enjoy Pizza Papalis because it is a great place to go after a great game of baseball or hockey. Pizza Papalis has a great atmosphere for the family. It is clean and well-kept and has quick service. The other reason I love […]

My favorite pizza place is located in my hometown in Massachusetts. It is one of the best pizzas i have had because its pizzas are very tasty. The buffalo chicken pizza is the best there. Also one of my best friends used to work there and we could visit him sometimes. The pizza is so […]

Three reasons why Pizza Papalis is amazing is because it has fresh toppings, it is a local place (it’s not a franchise) and the best reason is that it serves deep dish pizza! The only problem with this pizzeria is that it is very expensive, so it is one of those places that you can go to […]

Pizza Oven pizza is my favorite pizza! One reason I like it so much is because it is only in my hometown of Canton, Ohio. It’s also a great pizza place because along with great pizza you can get amazing jo-jos, wings and coleslaw. One bad thing about the pizza shop is that the few […]

My favorite pizza place is Hungry Howies. I love their pizza sauce. My favorite part of pizza is the crust and I think they have the best crust. I also really like how they are always quick to deliver. One thing that I don’t like about Hungry Howies is that the one closest to my […]

Today, East of Chicago Pizza is my favorite pizza from the East part of Chicagoooo, because it is inexpensive, the bread is always soft and never burnt, and it always tastes fresh. However, East of Chicago does not possess a delivery service for us more than unfortunate lazy pizza lovers, which is in fact less […]

My favorite pizza place would have to be Vito’s Pizza in NW Ohio. They specialize in custom pizzas that are out of the ordinary. From taco pizza to barbeque chicken, Vito’s has it all. My personal favorite is the chicken bacon ranch pizza. Although it is diabetes on dough, it is delicious and filling. One […]

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