October 19, 2011
Yesterday, in the rain, I stopped by the trash audit. I was walking with a friend from my biology lecture. I quickly took out my note pad and wrote down some details.
*There was a lot of plastic bottles. One very large bag that was about half the size of a desk.
*There was a fewer amounts of cardboard then I expected but plenty of cans
The worst of all…their was a reusable thermus and reusable powerade bottle(Think of the ones athletes use during games).
I looked over at my friend and said “This is abosloutly sad.”
While I only stopped for a couple of minutes and got a good whiff of the trash, I did learn something.
We can’t be wasteful. I get “out of sight,out of mind” but we have to remember that nothing disappears. Everything that goes into a bin ends up somewhere. I hope the students that saw this understood the message
October 25th, 2011 at 10:38 am
Thanks for sharing the experience!