Wednesday, September 21st, 2011

Technology is more than just cell phones, computers, and stereo systems. That’s what I think most people see or pay attention, but do people realize that technology is used within hospitals, doctor’s offices, and even schools all the way from elementary to college courses.

I finally decided on a solid argument for my essay. It will be about how commercials and advertising about alcohol are being geared towards teenagers and creating bad influences. For now I prefer the first outline example in the St. Martins Guide, but I’m going to try and experiment with the other examples also. I’m finding a lot of sources on this […]

After reading the planning and drafting section i now have a more organized format to base my paper off of. I think this drafting process will let me slow down and think about the things I am saying and the order im putting them in. This will help my papers make more chronological sense to the readers.