Monday, September 19th, 2011

After reading the sections, I have a better understanding of how to organize my paper. I can now question my topic better and create more counter arguments. I will reefer back to these pages when I go to make my outline.

After reading 302-305, I have a better understanding of how to organize my paper. Also what to look for when I am trying to relate to my audience. It asked many questions relating to the audience, and how to grab their attention. Making sure all the key element are in the paper. The outlining your […]

The reading from the St.Martin’s Guide helped me out a ton in trying to figure out what to write my essay about. While I was reading I thought the part about outlining your draft was very interesting. I never knew you could have such specific outlines like the examples in the book. During this time […]

This assignment helped me question my topic, thesis, and ideas to make sure I have a workable topic. This reading taught me about writing interesting, attention grabbing sentences and how to use sentence strategies. This assignment also taught me about sources and how to find the right one for a topic. One thing I think […]

After reading these pages i realized that i can use the questions to ask myself to help prepare and proofread my paper. I plan on using the outline they gave in the book which was; 1. Presenting the issue 2. thesis statement 3. plausible reasons 4. opposing argument with refute 5. second opposing with refute […]

In reading this section in the St.Martin’s Guide to Reading book, I learned how to have a better plan going into writing a draft/paper. It also helped me working with arguments and counterarguments, which was a problem area for me on my last paper. The portion on outlining things was a review for me, but […]