Sunday, September 18th, 2011

While reading the pages 302-305 i learned how to plan and draft my paper. I learned a lot of different techniques that can be used in writing an paper and captivating an audience. You can attack a paper in many different ways. It is important to know whether you want to write for readers who […]

Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience: My audience is anyone that uses technology. I will use certain points/examples that are more relevant to students and educators. My purpose is to inform and hopefully offer a fresh perspective on my topic. Presenting the Issue: I will present the issue in a personal context. I will use examples […]

Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience— The paper I write will direct to students that use technology on a daily basis. The topics I write about will convince  the technology users to understand the pros and cons. Presenting the Issue: I wil present my issue from examples and how I feel about the issue. Making Your […]

Clarifying Your Purpose & Audience: My audience will be the students at BGSU. I will try to persuade them to agree with my position of the dependency that society has on technology is not always good. Presenting the Issue: I will present the issue in a personal context using examples from my life. Making My […]

Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience: I am writing this argument towards college students and i want to let them know how video games are beneficial instead of all the bad effects people see them as causing. Presenting the Issue: I will be presenting the issue using my personal experiences with video games and using my […]

Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience: my audience will be all members of society that use a computer or any type of technology on a daily basis. I want my audience to take my argument seriously and have them take into consideration how much technology is over used. Presenting the Issue: I’m presenting the issue in […]

Clarifying Your Purpose and Audience- my audience will be adults with younger children, and teens. I hope to have my audience consider my arguement seriously and agree that mass media effects the younger generations. I will use research to prove to my readers that I am informed, knowledgable, and fair. Presenting the Issue- I will […]