Clarifying your purpose and audience

With this essay,I hope to convince others of my views on mass media or at least get them to see the negative side. Hopefully my years in journalism will serve as enough to make my opinion seem valid.

Presenting the issue,Argument and counterargument

I plan on presenting using hypothetical examples.with a personal context to avoid the “why does that matter?” idea.I will forecast my arguments early and sequence them throughout the essay.If I believe a counterargument is important,i’ll put that in the sequence as well.


I plan on the ending to reiterate the point I have tried to make.I also plan on trying to find common ground with the other side and presenting a challenge we could agree on.


I don’t usually outline in detail since I write so systematically with essays.If I do it’s usually A.Intro with thesis B. Point 1 C.Point 2 D.Point 3 (Optional E. with counterpoint if needed.) F.Ending with final funnel.