Friday, September 16th, 2011

Clarifying your purpose and audience With this essay,I hope to convince others of my views on mass media or at least get them to see the negative side. Hopefully my years in journalism will serve as enough to make my opinion seem valid. Presenting the issue,Argument and counterargument I plan on presenting using hypothetical examples.with […]

I think that I can argue the most on the topic; Our society is increasingly dependent upon technology.  Is our dependence on computers and other technologies bad for our society? Are we becoming “disconnected” from each other as we become more connected to the Internet? That is because I believe that we depend on technology […]

For my second essay I still do not have a solid thesis. However I will be basing my paper off of  TV commercials and advertisements. At this point I just have to narrow it down. I know I will find a lot of reliable sources, because I have read various articles and studies on the matter. It will be an […]

“Our society is increasingly dependent upon technology.  Is our dependence on computers and other technologies bad for our society? Are we becoming “disconnected” from each other as we become more connected to the Internet?” I feel like I do know a lot about this issue from self experience with technology. To be able to present it […]

I am going to write my paper on how our society is increasingly dependent on technology beacause i do NOT like computers. My life is way better without them and people seem to make thier world revolve around thier phones and facebook and video games and forget about the real natural beauty of the world

At the moment I don’t really know enough about the issue to just go and start writting about it, but there are ways that I can get the information and I know exactly where to find it. I understand the issue that I am going to write about very clearly and I could easily explain […]

The issue I chose was: “Should drug testing be mandatory for people such as bus drivers, heavy equipment operators, and airplane pilots”. I feel that drug testing should be mandatory for any job that has many safety rules. If a person is taking drugs while on the job this could result in devastating action. People […]

Topic: Our society is increasingly dependent upon technology.  Is our dependence on computers and other technologies bad for our society? Are we becoming “disconnected” from each other as we become more connected to the internet? Testing your choice: 1. I feel like I know a good amount about my topic, but can research more. 2. […]

I have chosen prompt number 2 – Mass media shaping younger generations.   1. I do believe I am well prepared to write on the issue. I have written papers and ideas about this same issue and others related to this issue that I can reflect on and incorporate with my essay. 2. I do […]

I will be writing essay 2 on the negative effects mass media has on children.I know this issue well because I grew up with little mass media influence and now have little siblings who so. I think this need to understand this because,as an education major,it’s important for me to understand the outside influences of […]

For essay #2, my topic will be about how the dependence on technology by society is bad. I know a good amount about this issue, but will have no trouble finding sources to support my opinion. I understand the issue, but will learn more as I research more in depth about it. I do want […]

I am writing my essay on topic #3 about video game violence. Testing your choice: 1. I know a lot about the issue already but it might help to get some research, ive got a strong opinion about the subject because i am a gamer. 2. I understand it well enough right now but to […]

For my 2nd essay topic I am doing if technology is good or bad for society. Technology is all around us and I am writing about things that we use everyday so I think I have a good understanding of the topic. I can present it to readers and explain my point of view. Yes […]

My topic will be society’s dependence on technology, technology in the classroom, etc.

I am honestly just confused. I can’t even find my options to pick from on this thing…

The topic i chose was, topic number 2. 1) Yes I know enough about this issue, and can learn what i need to know in the time remaining. 2) Yes I do understand what the topic is asking enough to present it to my readers. 3) To get others opinions about the topic, yes it […]