Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

I enjoyed getting feedback from other people because ultimately you are catering to your audience and peer review is audience. It is nice to get feedback from your audience before you make your final draft.

I don’t like reviewing someone elses paper when its their opinion about something. Especially when its about something they feel strongly about and that I might feel a different way. But at the same time I feel like if its a persuasive paper it comes it handy because if you can change the persons who […]

I learned a lot from the class peer review. It gave me a bunch of ideas on how to fix my paper and how to help out others also. I also prefer commenting on hard copy papers anyway.

I think peer review is a beneficial process for everyone involved. You can help your peers create a better paper, and you can get a better idea of where you are at with your own paper. Compliments can be reinforcing, and critiques can create a better paper.

I liked the pure review a lot. It helped me see how other people write and their techniques and styles of writing. This could potentially help me with my writing. It also helps everyone out with writing a better paper.

I quite enjoy reviewing my peers. I believe it is both helpful for the writer as well as the reader. It is interesting to hear/read what those besides the professor, think about your ideas and arguments, and receive their feedback and suggestions. Very well.

I enjoy reading other writers papers, it helps me get an understanding and possibly even use their type of strategy of writing. I also will use the critiques from the person who evaluated my paper.

I think peer review is a great thing. I like getting feedback from others, it can help to make my paper better. I also liked seeing the writing styles of others and how they brought about their topic.

I thought it was helpful.  Morgan gave me some good tips on how to phraze things and helped me with my grammer.

I liked peer editing because it gives you a different perspective about different situations and it gives you a chance to see how other people write and can give you tips on how you can improve your writing.

I enjoyed doing the peer review because its nice to see what others are writing about. Its interesting to see where people stand on different topics. Also I like being able to get feedback on my essay from someone my age and in the same situation I’m in.

I like it, because I get other views on the paper. I also can get different views from the other students, and what they think about the issue.

I liked reading others’ papers and seeing how they went about stating their arguments. Also, I liked receiving my peer’s feedback on my paper. 🙂

Peer review was very beneficial in my opinion. I liked reading other papers and seeing what they had to say about their policy. It was helpful getting feedback from classmates about my paper. Getting constructive criticism is helping in the writing process especially for the final draft.

I think peer review is good because the feed back is good for the final paper but also correcting other papers can help you with your own.

I liked the peer review! Its good to have more than one person, tell you about your paper that you worked so hard on.

i enjoyed doing peer review because it gave me a clue if others agree with my arguement.