My final argumentative topic is turning out to be: Why are school required text books so expensive?

Controversy:  Some believe stereotypes are in fact false altogether. While others believe there is no one person whom is not included in a stereotype.

Opposing Argument: I believe stereotypes are in fact real, but are not the only aspect of a person. One could argue that stereotypes are nonexistent, OR are real but someone can only be a part of one.

I have rolled this egg of thought through my mind many times, and am fully prepared to write my little heart out.

Sources may be hard to find, but I am certainly up for the challenge. (articles, opinion pages, etc.)

I feel as if identity is a colossal chunk of society today, and definitely an issue worth researching about. It fascinates me how the majority of persons are so fixated on figuring themselves out, instead of the world around them.